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New Bids In for Naismith and McCulloch????

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Bain - How much are you looking for Naismith?


Killie - Over 1 million


Bain - OK we'll offer you 10 bob now and the rest in 10 bob installments


Killie - we want over a milliom


Bain - Christ on a stick, you guys drive a hard bargain - ok 20 bob up front, 20 bob installments, 10 'ginger bottles' a week and you can up the prices for our fans when the fill 3 of your 4 stands


Killie - fook off suntan man


Cammy F

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Sorry Gis....


Papers are saying that we're still interested, are the only club to have made an offer and that we're meeting today to try and thrash out a deal as Killie are off to Italy tomorrow for pre-season.

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