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Morelos sectarian abuse

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4 minutes ago, Bluedell said:

Representatives of The Sun do, and it was The Sun which printed the ville articles by Leckie and Provan.  

I suspect banning the people who write the match reports, while satisfying for us, would be counterproductive for the club. 


How do you think that would play out?

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1 hour ago, ranger_syntax said:

I suspect banning the people who write the match reports, while satisfying for us, would be counterproductive for the club. 


How do you think that would play out?

Would they write anti-Rangers articles? 


No, wait, they already do that. 


The difference would be that we're not welcoming them into our home while they're doing it. 

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Not sure about the statement, it has an air of unnecessary smugness about it.  We shouldn't be writing Morelos' name in lights here, we need to quietly remind people of the facts.  I really dislike the passive aggressive statements that (I assume) Traynor writes.


The timing is poor for me, especially with the kid being charged with racism.  We shouldn't forget it's an impressionable 12 year old that's charged, not an adult.  This whole case needs some care and sensitivity from everyone.

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IMO, Jim Traynor is the Peter Van Vossen of statement writing but unnecessarily verbose or not, Rangers had a right of reply to recent media coverage and it's a shame that some choose to miss that point and the issue of racism in their eagerness to mock the messenger.


In general though, statement writing in Scottish Football jumped the shark a long time ago. Whatever the source, they're more often than not pointlessly self-indulgent as entrenched positions won't be changed. Much better to simply take action on the worst offenders.


Taking away media privileges won't bother your Leckies, Cosgroves and Stewarts but it will isolate them further from those who do have to write up pressers, puff-pieces and match reports to pay their mortgage. Removing that industry support is arguably our only strategy.

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