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Morelos sectarian abuse

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1 hour ago, Gaffer said:

I know you know the answer to your own question @Bill but let me answer it anyway..... "nothing".  The club had an ideal opportunity to release that statement (which would have been great if it had been followed with action) and then remove press privileges.  This would have created news in other parts of the UK and would have highlighted the racism that exists within our MSM.  In releasing that on its own it achieves nothing, except giving Traynor an opportunity to have a go at his former colleagues.  Our PR is terrible and getting worse.  Celtic should be in the middle of a crisis regarding child molestors, racism, and corruption, and yet their PR has resulted in the narrative being all about us, or others.  Our press and politicians are an utter disgrace to allow this, but our club is also to blame in allowing this.


There are two things we need in order for the narrative to change.


1.  A trophy win

2.  A PR department


The clue is in the name "Public Relations".  Our club should be celebrated for having coming back from the brink to now challenge domestically and in Europe.  Instead, most (?) members of the public have a negative image of our club and its supporters, and a neutral image of that other lot.  If this was any other business there would be a measure on the success of the PR team.  There is not a single measure that can possibly suggest that our team is doing anything other than a terrible job.  I realise that football clubs, especially ours, are just small to medium sized businesses but even small businesses realise the importance of this.  Our board must sort this out and soon.  At the moment our on field performances are being severely let down by a dysfunctional back office team and that's just not acceptable.

Well said @Gaffer

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Club 1872 Statement on Scottish media treatment of Alfredo Morelos

Dear Member,

Club 1872 notes the criminal charges filed in relation to the racist abuse of Alfredo Morelos by Celtic supporters at the recent Old Firm Game at Celtic Park and we hope the police are able to identify and charge the other perpetrators. We also commend Rangers on their statement yesterday which highlighted the disgraceful coverage which this incident has received in the Scottish press and by BBC Scotland.

Having been in constant contact with the club on this matter over the past week, we were aware that it was likely that criminal charges would be forthcoming and that robust comment from the club would follow. On all matters of interest to the support we make strong and frequent representations to the club. Those discussions will not always be made public but they always take place and it is Club 1872’s priority to effect real and meaningful change on behalf of supporters through our influence as major shareholders.

We fully understand the frustration of supporters who were waiting to hear from Rangers or Club 1872 but who, in the meantime, had to put up with Scottish media commentators and columnists who were more interested in conspiracy theories than calling out racism.

Let us be clear here. Every single journalist or commentator who played down this racist incident or tried to cast doubt on it even happening, was well aware that Rangers had reported it to the police, that the police were investigating and that it was referenced in the match delegate’s report. They are also aware that these are not the first charges to be filed in the past year in relation to racist abuse of Rangers players. For Tom English, Michael Stewart, Bill Leckie, Roger Hannah, Davie Provan and Gordon Waddell, to name but a few, to demand more proof than that before accepting that this incident took place was shameful. For several of them to use it as their latest excuse to attack the club or the player himself was even worse. Their comments mirrored and then legitimised the bile which emanated from the worst corners of social media towards Rangers, Alfredo Morelos and his family. In any similar situation, with any other player and any other club, they would be pariahs.

With that in mind we met with Rangers this morning to discuss how this incident should signal a fresh approach to the relationship between the club and the media in Scotland. The access granted to these media outlets is a valuable commodity and as such it should be justifiable from both a commercial and reputational point of view. With huge, ongoing changes to the way information is consumed it is not clear what benefit the club derives on either of these fronts from the traditional Scottish media. On that basis we have made representations to the club about providing the same access for supporter led, new media and that proposal has been well received.

It is our firm belief that Rangers should no longer provide valuable content to traditional outlets without there being measures in place to deal with those who publish the sort of bile we have seen in recent weeks. Having reached the stage where some pundits and journalists feel it is acceptable to publicly deny, downplay or make excuses for the racism suffered by a Rangers player, it is clear that the relationship with those journalists and their employers needs to be carefully and continuously re-examined.

We fully understand that it is not desirable to completely ban media outlets from Ibrox but it is also not acceptable for media outlets to target our club, fans and players and still expect to be granted unfettered access to the content generated by the club. We will continue our dialogue with both the club and those media outlets over the coming weeks and months with the aim of ensuring that the situation significantly improves.

Club 1872

Issued by Supporters Voice Limited, a Club 1872 company

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We are starting to see the various elements that have been in play in the background.   


It is interesting to see two themes emerging going forward:

1) the restriction of access to content from media outlets who continually abuse their position; and

2) opening up access to fan-led content.


Both of these are have pros and cons, but through expanding RTV and supporting fan voices, I can see a positive way through the current malaise that is much more palatable.


I understand the call for further bans but a blanket approach wont work, in my view.   We should send out some targeted messages that show we wont be pushed around.

As has been said many times already, actions will speak louder than words here.


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2 minutes ago, stewarty said:

We are starting to see the various elements that have been in play in the background.   


It is interesting to see two themes emerging going forward:

1) the restriction of access to content from media outlets who continually abuse their position; and

2) opening up access to fan-led content.


Both of these are have pros and cons, but through expanding RTV and supporting fan voices, I can see a positive way through the current malaise that is much more palatable.


I understand the call for further bans but a blanket approach wont work, in my view.   We should send out some targeted messages that show we wont be pushed around.

As has been said many times already, actions will speak louder than words here.


Hopefully fan led content will continue to expand and largely take over from the newspapers even more than it already has done.


I certainly get all my news from fan led content, so that I tend not to read Rangers related content in my newspaper as I've already heard it from here, FF or H&H.

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5 minutes ago, Bluedell said:

Hopefully fan led content will continue to expand and largely take over from the newspapers even more than it already has done.


I certainly get all my news from fan led content, so that I tend not to read Rangers related content in my newspaper as I've already heard it from here, FF or H&H.

Agreed.  I'm very much of the same view.  I've been so sickened by the one-eyed approach to all things Rangers that we have had for so long that I can't even remember a time when I'd even think about tuning into Radio Scotland... a service that was a staple of my daily news digest and meant that I at least had some passing interest in the game generally.   Sadly that has all but gone and I don't ever see that trend reversing.

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It's certainly a push in the right direction but I fundamentally disagree that much or all of the offending media cannot be excluded from Ibrox. What this amounts to is a gentle threat to do so but it will, as always, be ignored and we will still be faced with what is the only choice for Rangers - exclude them all or lie down in the gutter. The hesitation to do so shows the same old lack of courage that has characterised Rangers leadership for more than a generation.

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