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I think that Namouchi was actually a French national he just chose to play for Tunisia because of his parents. (and because he would have no chance of getting a cap for France)


Didnt realise that. I think it was the regular Tunisia game that put me off track :)

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Just read on the Record web site that Bordeaux president is now saying he has a bid from a mystery club, wonder if this is lies to make us up our bid or not.




By Keith Jackson


BORDEAUX chairman Jean-Louis Triaud last night insisted Rangers have been beaten to top target Julien Faubert.


Triaud spoke out after holding a second round of showdown talks with the 23-year-old French international and failing to persuade him to call off his one-man strike.


Faubert has refused to train with his club until they accept a �£4million offer from the Ibrox club and yesterday the winger also turned down an offer from Triaud of a lucrative long-term contract. But the chairman told Record Sport he has now accepted a rival bid from a mystery club for the rebel.


And Triaud insists that unless Rangers increase their offer immediately, they will miss out on Walter Smith's No.1 signing target.


Triaud said: "We have received nothing more from Glasgow Rangers and in any case I'm afraid they will be too late. We have now received another bid for the player.


"I'm not sure what Rangers want to do about it but if they want this player then they would be better to make their best offer immediately. It makes no sense to wait.





"Rangers have made one offer which we did not accept. They have not made a second offer. We now have one which is superior to the Rangers offer and we have given the player permission to speak to the club."



Rangers, however, suspect Triaud is attempting to call their bluff.



And they are confident Faubert - who has agreed the terms on a fouryear deal at Ibrox - will refuse to enter into contract talks with any other club. Triaud's refusal to name the rival bidder has only added to Rangers' suspicions.



Roma and Atletico Madrid are known to be keen on the player.



But when Triaud was asked if he would tell us the identity of the club with which he has reached an agreement he said: "No, but you will hear all about it in Scotland the next couple of days."



It now remains to be seen whether or not the Ibrox club will come in with a second offer for Faubert as his future lies in the balance.


What do you guys think? Do we hold out and hope there is no "mystery club" ?

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i've just heard a rumor and its doing the rounds all over.


bordeaux chairman Triaud wants 5 million from rangers for fartbut


what the hekll did we offer in the first place?? on second thoughts i don't want to know.

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i've just heard a rumor and its doing the rounds all over.


bordeaux chairman Triaud wants 5 million from rangers for fartbut


what the hekll did we offer in the first place?? on second thoughts i don't want to know.


For 5 mill i would go for it but i think 7 mill would be too much.

We offered 4 million.

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And they are confident Faubert - who has agreed the terms on a fouryear deal at Ibrox - will refuse to enter into contract talks with any other club. Triaud's refusal to name the rival bidder has only added to Rangers' suspicions.



It would seem it is done business if we can agree the price.

Although if one of the big teams come in for him that agreement will mean nothing.

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