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Club1872 - Women & Girls project

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POLL: Women and Girls Football Project

An opportunity has arisen for Club 1872 to support the Women & Girls Football Department at Rangers Football Club through creating memorable matchday experiences for the Rangers community.

This project would aim to:

  • Provide local schools and community groups with the opportunity to experience women’s football at a Rangers Women FC match day
  • Inspire young people to take up football and lead an active lifestyle
  • Create a ‘Fanzone’ at selected matches to improve the match day experience for the supporter community at Rangers Women FC matchdays

The project will also enable Club 1872 to support young female players who experience financial hardship/poverty with essential equipment to allow them to participate in football.

Matchday Experience

Groups of children and their teachers/coaches/carers from local school and community groups will be invited to experience a match day at the Hummel Training Centre.

A group of up to 20 will be invited on selected match days and will be transported to and from the HTC by bus. They will be given a tour of the centre (an experience not available to the public) and the opportunity to watch the game from the balcony above the pitch.

Afterwards, the group will be able to meet the Women’s 1st Team and have a photo opportunity with them on the pitch. The group will also receive a thank you letter from the Captain and a signed team photo as a momento from their day.

The aim of this is to promote young people taking up football as part of an active lifestyle, but particularly to promote women’s football to young girls.

In addition to inviting local groups, a fanzone would be created on selected match days to enhance supporters’ match day experience. This would include transport to and from Ibrox and entertainment at the Hummel Training Centre. The location of the training ground is prohibitive for many fans to get to by public transport and there is an opportunity for Club 1872 to provide transport for fans to get to and from matches from a pickup at Ibrox.

Equipment Fund

There are some players that face difficulty in being able to afford the kit (boots, shinguards etc.) required to be able to take part in football.

Rangers current campaign Everyone, Anyone promotes equality for everyone, and everyone should have the opportunity to play, regardless of their financial circumstances.

This project would provide players with the opportunity to apply for funding if they are in a position where they are struggling or unable to meet the costs for equipment to play.


The total cost for this project will be £10,080.

£8,330 of this funding would go towards transport and entertainment for ten matches in the coming season and the attendance of local schools and community groups at three matches in the coming season.

The remaining £1,750 would be used to provide the equipment fund for those in financial hardship - as assessed by Rangers.

The member poll will close on Satuday 23rd November 2019 at midnight.

To vote please click the link below, enter your login details and you will be redirected to the poll page. If you are already logged in to your Club 1872 account please logout first before clicking the link and then re-enter your login details. 


Club 1872


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