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Resolution 12 is still deid bhoys !!!

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Jas Boyd · @Jas72Boyd

23rd Oct 2019 from TwitLonger


Resolution 12 is still deid bhoys !!!

I see the Res 12 lawyers are still milking the mentalists from across the city……..and Spain.

Apparently they are pushing Celtic to get it on the AGM agenda again following slap down after slap down by the Celtic plc board. Like any AGM, if you garner support from a percentage of shareholders then you can, in essence, force it onto the agenda. And from reading elsewhere, this may happen at the next AGM. Lets quickly remind ourselves of all the false starts and ALL the money spent keeping some small ineffective law firm in business.

Fail 1:

Originally, Auldheid (the leader of the pack) claimed that as Rangers had an outstanding tax bill at 30th June 2011, Rangers should not have played in Europe that year and Celtic were deprived of money.

Then I came along and explained they should sue their law firm as the rules clearly show that had Rangers disclosed the tax due at 30th June, they would still have played in Europe anyway and any punishment from failure to pay it would take place the following season.

A month or so later, UEFA confirmed to Resolution 12 that my interpretation was 100% spot on.

Fail 2:

Their 2nd attempt was to then state it was no longer to do with the 30th June date(they had given up on that idea) and that because the tax was due from a period prior to 31st March, Rangers should not have played in Europe that year and Celtic were deprived of money.

Then I came along again and explained the rules further confirming that according to the strict wording of the rules, an amount due in tax only becomes an “overdue payable” when a bill is presented along with a date it has to be paid by. It is not overdue payable at the date of the bill……only if its not paid on time. Rangers received that bill on 20th May. It became an “overdue payable” on the 19th June.

Fail 3:

It was back to the lawyers again for a 3rd go and this time, they will present a case that shows Rangers accepted the tax liability on or around the 27th February and that this in turn means they should have disclosed it on 31st March meaning Rangers should not have played in Europe that year and Celtic were deprived of money.

Sorry to disappoint you guys, but you need to get better lawyers. You see, lets assume UEFA ignore their rule about what constitutes an overdue payable(they wont) and agree with you that when Rangers accepted the liability in February 2011, prior to the bill being issued in May 2011(they wont), Rangers STILL would have had to disclose it on 31st March.

Im sorry to disappoint again but this would fail also. The pesky rules are clear that on the 31st March, the bill has to be an overdue payable prior to 31st December 2010. So even if there was somehow a miracle and UEFA sided with you on the other fronts(they wont) it would still fail on the final point.

You are going to be slapped down again.

The Celtic Board have taken legal guidance on this on 2 previous occasions and their "more competent" legal team have told them that the 2 bob outfit the Res 12 guys are using are simply wrong and just taking money from the poor sods.

Auldheid and the Res 12 guys are simply trying to keep face with the fans who have funded in excess of £30,000 to keep this circus going. That £30k+ included a full page advert written in French which appeared in a Swiss newspaper. Yip that’s right. Take that in for a minute.

There are no more narratives. You have been pumped for money. And your next step is to consider if there is a potential recovery to be had from the solicitors who have been using you and perhaps giving you wrong advice on rules and laws.

Resolution 12 is still deid.

As you were.


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