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McBeth - What A Clown

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Quite a funny article and i admire his honesty but FIFA wont allow that. He has went about it the wrong way. Some of these countries are corrupt and they murder ref's who dont give there sides the right decision etc, but to make it public seems to be not allowed these days.


I dont know if he is capable of the job but the other idiot Taylor who runs the SFA certainly doesnt deserve a top job in UEFA / FIFA - he couldnt run a bath.

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At, such irony from a man who wants Rangers punished for our alleged bigotry!


I certainly don't know the background behind his claims (although many possible would share them) but one cannot and should not make such claims through the media without genuine evidence and reason for doing so.


It only serves to make more problems instead of helping to fix the existing ones. We see it ourselves with the sectarian 'debate' in Scotland.

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But what he is saying is true..... even if it should not be said in open conversation.


I mean, is it racist to say that someone from Germany is sponging money from there association, and yet if it is someone from Africa you shouldn't say it... FFS. Hiding behind the colour of your skin is lowest kind of racism...


As for the English - he is again stating the truth. Arrogance over "there game" .


But the guy is an idiot of the highest calibre, what do we expect from a Scottish Tink!

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But what he is saying is true..... even if it should not be said in open conversation.


I mean, is it racist to say that someone from Germany is sponging money from there association, and yet if it is someone from Africa you shouldn't say it... FFS. Hiding behind the colour of your skin is lowest kind of racism...


As for the English - he is again stating the truth. Arrogance over "there game" .


But the guy is an idiot of the highest calibre, what do we expect from a Scottish Tink!


I agree completely Wija.


Being in Bermuda where blacks are the majority but with a reasonable sized white contingent it is amazing the amount of "reverse racism" we see. It is perfectly fine for the blacks to call the whites "honky" or to claim that whenever a white person makes any kind of factual statement that it is "racism" but when the blacks make an anti-white statement it is considered "fair game" because of the centuries of black suppression.


If blacks want equality they need to act fair-handed too. You can't (or at least shouldn't) manipulate racism to suit your needs.


The 2 main political parties here are one predominantly black and one predominantly white - the black party have won the last 2 elections by playing the race card - despicable if you ask me.


As for McBeth.... he should have known a whole lot better than to make the statement he did in public - but again, he actually stated what is a widely known fact, the African and Caribbean associations ARE corrupt, of that there is NO doubt.


As for the comment about the English.... he is right again, it was widely accepted when he was voted in that he shouldn't have got in because he wasn't the best man for the job.... but the other voters disliked him less than the English candidate.


He is still a tit though !

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hate reverse racism/snobbery.


i have to say though i can understand to a considerable extent how the consciousness of large numbers of people are affected by trauma/oppression. its easy to say now that because racisms been pretty much eradicated in the more cosmipolitan areas of the world that the black people should just get over it.


but when you look at how much hiroshima has affected the psyche of the japanese (see the theory of the superflat) you begin to understand just how big events, sustained oppression etc, can cause backlash even generations later.

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I saw this article at the weekend. He is right in a lot of what he is saying and the reverse racism thingis ridiculous but happens all the time.


My problem is that he was SFA President for however longand we didn't hear a peep out of him. What has he done in Scottish football that merits him holding such a high position at FIFA?

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