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VanguardBears are to join protests against Glasgow City Council

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I’ve read of examples of outrageous bias towards Celtic from the council, most of it to do with the land around Parkhead and lennoxtown. However the change of route of the orange walk being the cause of this undermines the protest for me, it’s a trivial matter in comparison to other things mentioned on this thread. 

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2 hours ago, DMAA said:

I’ve read of examples of outrageous bias towards Celtic from the council, most of it to do with the land around Parkhead and lennoxtown. However the change of route of the orange walk being the cause of this undermines the protest for me, it’s a trivial matter in comparison to other things mentioned on this thread. 

You don't recognize the thin edge of the wedge?

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7 hours ago, DMAA said:

I’ve read of examples of outrageous bias towards Celtic from the council, most of it to do with the land around Parkhead and lennoxtown. However the change of route of the orange walk being the cause of this undermines the protest for me, it’s a trivial matter in comparison to other things mentioned on this thread. 

Lennoxtown is nothing to do with GCC. 


The route of the Walk may be trivial to you but presumably it's not to the members of the OO, who seem to feel that they're having targeted for bigoted reasons. 

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Scene on O’Connell Street, Dublin today. New IRA and Saoradh group holding a march - group associated with murder of Lyra McKee - a day after they admitted a member of their followers murdered her the day before.

Is this similar to how Susan Aitken, SNP leader of GCC, would have Orange Order personnel keep unsavoury or unwanted followers of the parade in line? Who has given this guy authority to speak to anyone walking on the sidewalk or warn off anyone on the sidewalk?

It's just not possible to have parade personnel police the public without special legal authority that everyone respects. What you see on the clip could turn nasty in an instant, especially in Glasgow.

This is not good politics nor good policing to remove a parade from its requested route. However, good policing is required to maintain order where clashes may be perceived.

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1 hour ago, barca72 said:
Scene on O’Connell Street, Dublin today. New IRA and Saoradh group holding a march - group associated with murder of Lyra McKee - a day after they admitted a member of their followers murdered her the day before.

Is this similar to how Susan Aitken, SNP leader of GCC, would have Orange Order personnel keep unsavoury or unwanted followers of the parade in line? Who has given this guy authority to speak to anyone walking on the sidewalk or warn off anyone on the sidewalk?

It's just not possible to have parade personnel police the public without special legal authority that everyone respects. What you see on the clip could turn nasty in an instant, especially in Glasgow.

This is not good politics nor good policing to remove a parade from its requested route. However, good policing is required to maintain order where clashes may be perceived.

Are the New IRA a proscribed terrorist group ?

If so, how come they are marching in the street ?


When it comes to public order and policing, I'd say that you can't really compare Glasgow and Dublin as the former is very divided/potentially volatile on relevant subject whereas Dublin is mostly of one side.


As for the guy who asks the question. Given the circumstances and who was involved, it's hardly surprising he got a reaction.

I'm not saying they shouldn't be asked the question but there is a time and a place.... if you genuinely don't want confrontation.



More generally speaking, the various parades and marching on both sides of this particular divide can be looked at in different ways...


Freedom to express a culture and an identity...or ...the best way to start a rammy

They are probably both.


Out of interest, have the authorities in N.I. ever put forward the idea of banning them or at least changing it from marching through streets to a public meeting in one designated area, such as a large park ?




Edited by buster.
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Susan Aitken the SNP leader of GCC has printed her agenda part of which she is adament  - ... "it’s simply not enough to absolve themselves by pointing to hangers-on. They need to step up and take wider responsibility for those they attract and refer to as their wider support ..."
In this clip you see an individual who takes umbrage at a follower who attempts to interview parade members. The individual in question is not wearing any identification or even a hi-vis vest. In either case he is doing a job that should be exclusive to the police. I maintain that kind of confrontation in Glasgow ( or WoS ) could end up quite nasty without a police presence.
Now this is exactly the point that is in dispute with the Orange Order and the GCC. Aitken's agenda is that the Orange Order must not absolve themselves from blame of the pavement followers and yet neither her nor the police will let the Orange Order do anything about these followers. The police say it is their authority to maintain peace and protection.
Her agenda does not allow any compromise on crowd control so she has used it to change the route forcibly. The Orange Order see this as an attack on their rights.
So, you have a group, SPAD, calling for a protest. Im sure there will be a lot more protestants there than belong to SPAD. 
I don't see where the thread has gone off track, just some peripherary observations to make the point.

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IMO the point you are making about the comparison is a bit of a force-fit that doesn't really hold much water when held up to any objective scrutiny. I could say potatoes and oranges, but maybe it would be considered as a bad joke.


What is your definition of a "follower" on these marches ?




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