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More urgently we need to get a minimum second place finish and there appear to be moves afoot to weaken us as much as possible for the run in. What's the betting that the yahoo game post split will cover one of Morelos banned games?

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2 hours ago, JFK-1 said:

More urgently we need to get a minimum second place finish and there appear to be moves afoot to weaken us as much as possible for the run in. What's the betting that the yahoo game post split will cover one of Morelos banned games?

How does that hurt us? We'll probably have a better chance of finishing the game with 11 men on the field.

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10 hours ago, BEARGER said:

But that ain’t the problem. We fail against Aberdeen & Kilmarnock etc. because they sit in and defend hoping to get us on the break or from dead ball. Celtc play more attacking style which suits us more. We really need someone to unlock a packed defence, not easy to get or cheap.

SG&Co know what the problems are and if there is a criticism, it's that they didn't or weren't able to get to the root of the problem in neither of the two transfer windows thus far, especially the January window.


Breaking down an organised defence isn't always easy even when you have real quality in your side but I think the current problem with us is part psychological. When we encounter the same old teams playing the same way, we seem to accept the script has already been written. In Marvin Andrew speak, we don't believe.


As well as some quality to break down a defence, we need some more drive and mentality to push it.



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12 hours ago, barca72 said:

How does that hurt us? We'll probably have a better chance of finishing the game with 11 men on the field.

He's a 29 goal striker and after a couple of days to get over my anger at him i'm now hoping this is the one that really gets through to him and he turns a corner. in his tweet he said "I promise to do everything in my power to ensure nothing like that happens again"

We will see.

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I don't mind whether it is Morelos or someone else ... IMHO this season failed because we - like MW - didn't made Plan A better with that 4-3-3 modern day football stuff, which is not suited to 8 out of 10 Premiership games. Our strikers do create a few chances per game, but 7 out of 10 times are crowded out and no-one from midfield is following up ... like Murphy did early doors or Holt did in his first season. Likewise, the art of shooting from the edge of the area is one lost to all of our players ... only Lafferty did it every now and then and he`s hardly been seen. Tavernier can score for fun ... if he's only got the goalkeeper to beat. He was hitting goals from all angles as well as free kicks and nowadays hardly manages to keep the ball between the sticks rugby-style. 


We do need more quality, but we should also need a better tactical setup. I can envisage that we start trialing 3-5-2 or 4-4-2 from now till the end of the season and smash anyone before us, only to fall short because of the stuff that went on up till now. 

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I feel confident Stevie G will iron out the problems in the close season. It doesn't have to be the mass clear out of previous seasons.


We're just 2 or 3 away from being formidable and just as importantly consistent. Struggles to break down park the bus tactic from the likes of the sheep aside lack of consistency is holding us back. 

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