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Broadfoot And Morelos Both Escape Any Punishment

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18 minutes ago, ian1964 said:


So that flick at thin air with McKenna is worth a two game ban but running your studs down a players legs is not worth looking at. I was going to say the system is a joke but it is the people in the system that are a joke.

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2 minutes ago, pete said:

So that flick at thin air with McKenna is worth a two game ban but running your studs down a players legs is not worth looking at. I was going to say the system is a joke but it is the people in the system that are a joke.

Good job he never did a fist pump! or blow him a kiss!

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6 hours ago, Gaffer said:

I've read comments like "it's a joke", "not fit for purpose", and "laughable" ..... but let's just call it what it really is.  It's "CORRUPT".

Make no mistake the ones who are in power now and their paymasters think this is all payback. Their victim mentality reckons the whole system was corrupt when we were winning titles so have decided to screw us over as much as they conceivably can at the moment. They will coerce, bully or use other means to ensure their 10 tainted titles.


Whether the floodgates open on their compensation Armageddon before or after is the only thing open to question? It will be circa 100m by the looks of it plus the money that’s needed for the stadium. They are in deep deep financial trouble.

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