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[FT] Aberdeen 1 - 1 Rangers (Worrall 48)

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  • Frankie changed the title to [HT] Aberdeen 1 - 0 Rangers

Disappointing.  Not one of our players is having a good game.  Jack is having a nightmare and Morelos needs to stay on his feet.


Huge improvement required if we're going to lift a trophy this season.

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Well, once again, we started at walking pace and have not been able to up it, being outfought physically at the same time.


The wind and sun isn't helping either team but because Aberdeen are going more direct they look more dangerous.  Meanwhile, we're too ponderous on the ball and when we do have are too sloppy.  Jack is having the proverbial nightmare and no play is doing anywhere near enough to win their personal battles.


I'd stick on Halliday for some fight as Barisic is again posted missing.  Arfield isn't fit either so it might be worth going to the 4-4-2 and sticking Lafferty up beside Morelos as we need to get into the game.

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We have been here before. We are playing in front of Aberdeen, rarely getting in behind. Our passing is slow and ponderous. Jack and Kamara are not controlling their area of the field. I do not think we have won a single free kick in Aberdeen's final third, because the ball is not arriving in a manner that puts uncertainty in the minds of their defenders.


Aberdeen are happy to have the game in front of them, continually knocking the ball on, and turning Rangers. They squeeze the game, hustling and supporting, wining several free kicks in our last third.


I suspect our best hope of progressing, is to find an equaliser and bring the tie back to Ibrox.

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