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[FT] Hamilton 0 - 5 Rangers (Jack 16; Defoe 17; Arfield 24; Tavernier 44pen; Lafferty 88)

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2 hours ago, der Berliner said:

SPFL Highlights (extended with many slow-motions these days)


Going by the video, at their penalty cry, first Jack pulls one of them down, then Worrall nearly kicks their player. I would say that other refs might have given a penalty there. In saying that, a few minutes earlier an Accies player blocked a cross/shot by Halliday with his hand (unintentionally one might say) and no penalty was given. Might well be that the ref "evened that out".

In the game, BT had a video ref commenting, who - funnily enough - let the Halliday incident pass, but said "penalty" for the Jack & Worrall incident.


They should have had a penalty.  It was dangerous from Worrall.  But the game was done by that point - a fact even Chris Sutton highlighted.


I know Kevin Thomson is my bestie and all... but on co-comms yesterday he commented on how he knows Steven Davis really well - the other commentator says "you know him so well that you didn't even know he was on the bench today".  KT comes back and says "I work in the Academy, not the first team.  And even if I did know the starting line-up I wouldn't be telling anybody anyway".  Guy oozes class.

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1 hour ago, DMAA said:

He's a conundrum for me because yes he one or two outstanding qualities, but the rest of his play isn't outstanding and that is why his assists and goals are low, no other reason. His pace is frightening and he creates havoc but there will always be that lack of quality with his end product IMO, whether it's a cross, pass or shot. He almost never gets "put on a plate" type assists like we saw from Candeias yesterday and Wednesday. Kent was actually lucky to get an assist to his name yesterday because he just played a normal backwards pass to Jack and Jack did the rest.

That's a little unfair - he had, IIRC, pulled players towards himself - you call it a normal backwards pass but if he had poor decision-making then he would have tried to beat the player himself.  Instead, he pulled players towards himself and released the ball to Jack at the perfect moment to give Jack time to pick his spot - no mean feat given it was at the edge of a crowded box.


So you won't be giving him the assist for winning the penalty for our 4th goal either then ?


See when you see things you want to see.... or don't see things you don't want to see..... :ninja::fish2:

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1 hour ago, craig said:

So you won't be giving him the assist for winning the penalty for our 4th goal either then ?

Well it’s another jammy one isn’t it. There’s a big difference between giving Morelos an open goal as Candeias did twice at Killie and those two “assists”. I’ve no reason to be biased against him, he’s a Rangers player and he brings something to the team, I obviously just judge a player in his position a bit differently to most people. 

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1 minute ago, DMAA said:

Well it’s another jammy one isn’t it. There’s a big difference between giving Morelos an open goal as Candeias did twice at Killie and those two “assists”. I’ve no reason to be biased against him, he’s a Rangers player and he brings something to the team, I obviously just judge a player in his position a bit differently to most people. 

What about the set up for Arfields' 1st strike before he scored??, Kent was involved in everything going forward until he went off

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20 minutes ago, ian1964 said:

What about the set up for Arfields' 1st strike before he scored??, Kent was involved in everything going forward until he went off


2 hours ago, craig said:

Instead, he pulled players towards himself and released the ball to Jack at the perfect moment to give Jack time to pick his spot

Kent wasn't involved in Arfield's goal @ian1964 I think you're thinking of something else and for Jack's it was Halliday who was sucking players over making out that he was going to cross it, he passed to Kent who took a heavy touch and then got a toe to the ball to knock it to Jack who scored against the odds from distance. The penalty again he literally just got a toe the ball and got taken out, to call these "assists" is fine in terms of a literal definition but in reality is very flattering. Look he's a good player and brings something to the team, for me he's just overrated and a fit Murphy would bring more end product (goals and assists) to the team despite looking less dangerous.

Edited by DMAA
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11 minutes ago, DMAA said:


Kent wasn't involved in Arfield's goal @ian1964 I think you're thinking of something else and for Jack's it was Halliday who was sucking players over making out that he was going to cross it, he passed to Kent who took a heavy touch and then got a toe to the ball to knock it to Jack who scored against the odds from distance. The penalty again he literally just got a toe the ball and got taken out, to call these "assists" is fine in terms of a literal definition but in reality is very flattering. Look he's a good player and brings something to the team, for me he's just overrated and a fit Murphy would bring more end product (goals and assists) to the team despite looking less dangerous.

I never said he was! I said he set Arfield up for his first strike before he scored!!.

Anyway, you are entitled to your opinion of any player, I know I the management and the majority of fans want Kent signed permanent , which would disappoint you if that happened it seems?.

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