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St Pat's Want Foreign Refs

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2 hours ago, ian1964 said:

Why is the corrupt SFA even allowing this type of talk from ST Pats?

I actually think it’s a clever way of causing more hassle and diverting from our statement. Additionally, if it all goes tits up, their media whores will blame us for the hysteria. It’s straight out of the republican handbook.

Edited by cooponthewing
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So what happens when these foreign refs make mistakes? Is there a CR Smith store in Luxemburg/Belguim/Netherlands...?


I agree with Jackson that we are genuinely heading down a dark road with this and it's all being championed by the loons from the East End. It happened 7 years ago when Dr Death played to the paranoid masses and the refs went on strike. Cue Rangers dropping out of the big picture for 5/6 years and what do you know, not one loaded statement, not one paranoid rant, no endless articles about those terrible refs.


Cut to the present day, Rangers school Celtic on the pitch and even had the cheek to beat them. They have a high profile manager and are moving forward for the first time in ages. Somewhere in the bowels of the Meccano Dome a safe/shoe box opens for the first time in 7 years and a file labelled "Refs: How to stir paranoia soup and deflect from our own failings" is dusted off and is told to land on Liewells desk pronto.



Edited by BlackSocksRedTops
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51 minutes ago, Bluedell said:

This is purely an attempt to muddy the waters so that it will make changes to the appeals system, which currently works in Celtic's favour, that much harder.

Yeh, stinks of “stop talking about changing things or we will throw a hissy fit”. They area horrible putrid club who will bring everything down around them unless all the other clubs sort them out.

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I’ll buck the trend on this one. We should get the best refs available. It’s a professional game and if a few SFA people have to lose their jobs or they have to cut down on their foreign junkets to pay for it I’m happy with that. At the moment we are being short sold. 


Re the CO that is a separate issue for me. Only Scotland could introduce a 18th Century version of VAR which is what it more or less is. In fact get rid of CO and all the associated cost to help fund better refereeing. 

Edited by Walterbear
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On a wee sidenote, the Rangers Club Historian David Mason is pretty much clued up on events past and current. Today he posted on FB:




'Pressure will be brought to bear upon the SFA to purge its list of referees and after doing so, to publish them. Some have the idea that the referee in each case should be drawn with the tie, but this is too drastic a step. Reform of some kind is absolutely called for and the committee should tackle the subject at the earliest opportunity. Good referees and refereeing are bound up with the very existence of football as a sport.'
Glasgow Evening Post - August 1893.


Well, I wonder what happened there then!


David Mason`s FB site

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4 hours ago, cooponthewing said:

I actually think it’s a clever way of causing more hassle and diverting from our statement. Additionally, if it all goes tits up, their media whores will blame us for the hysteria. It’s straight out of the republican handbook.

Quite the contrary in my opinion.


I think what they are trying to do is counter our statement in a very subtle way.  We say we are being treated differently - and the example of Morelos in the OF game is used, quite rightly, for "trial by Sportscene".  We know that Rangers are being treated unfairly.


What Celtic are trying to do, IMHO, is , by being the club to suggest foreign refs, is effectively saying "we think refs are unfairly biased against Celtic, so lets get impartial biased refs in".  They will coat it as being an improvement in officiating which, lets be honest, they don't actually want because currently they get more than their fair share of positive officiating.  They know that the whole "foreign refs" thing wont happen (they don't actually want it anyway) so they get exactly what they want, which is a) to portray they are the victims of poor officiating and b) receiving the continual benefit of poor officiating.


Lawwell may be a dick, but he's very smart with it !

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