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Rangers IFC PLC Share Offer (Takeover Panel)

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  • Frankie changed the title to Rangers IFC PLC Share Offer (Takeover Panel)
11 minutes ago, der Berliner said:

Why they came up with this 20p offer demand is a bit strange. Not the demand to have the offer as such, but why well below the going rate? Then again, there might be machinations to come up with the amount.

There are and it's about the historic share price at a certain time(period).


Others may be able to give the exact terminology.



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On ‎27‎/‎01‎/‎2019 at 11:04, der Berliner said:

Why they came up with this 20p offer demand is a bit strange. Not the demand to have the offer as such, but why well below the going rate? Then again, there might be machinations to come up with the amount.

From The Takeover Code:


"When a person or group acquires interests in shares carrying 30% or more of the voting rights of a company, they must make a cash offer to all other shareholders at the highest price paid in the 12 months before the offer was announced."

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Dear Member,

You may be aware that the mandatory cash offer for the share capital of Rangers International Football Club PLC, which the Takeover Panel required to be made by Dave King, has now been formally lodged.

This is a short update to inform you that, in accordance with members’ wishes, Club 1872 will not be taking up that offer and will not be selling our shareholding in RIFC Plc. Members will recall that they were recently polled on granting an irrevocable undertaking to Mr King - that the organisation would not sell its shares for the offer price of 20p. This poll was 97.8% in favour of granting the undertaking, which was duly done, and so there is no requirement for a further poll of members on the formal offer.

We have also received a number of questions from members regarding their options for shares in RIFC Plc which they hold personally. The decision on whether to accept the offer is one for each individual shareholder to consider and not something which we can provide guidance on. However, we can clarify that should you not wish to accept the offer for any shares you hold personally, you do not need to take any action.

Club 1872

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