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Cost Per Point

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I'm not an accountant, but I was mildly distracted this afternoon and decided to see what each point has cost each side this season. 


Currently Celtic are top of the league with 42 points, however with a wage bill of £59.3 million to date each point has cost them a staggering £1,411,905 each. 

We're second with 39 points. Our wage bill is £24.1 million, so every point has cost us £617,949 so far. That's a staggering difference and, I think, should be kept in mind when comparing us currently. 


That being said Aberdeen, on 36 points with a wage bill of £7.8 million, have a £ to points ratio of £216,667 

Hibs, on 29 points, have a wage bill of £5.3 million, so are paying £182,759 per point, Hearts with a wage bill of £6 million are on 33 points, so £181,818 per point. 


Where it gets really eye-opening though is St Johnstone and Kilmarnock. I can't find published wage bill for St Johnstone so I'm going to assume it's the same as Kilmarnock's at £2.2 million. With 31 points they've 'paid' £70,968 per point and Kilmarnock, with 38 points, have paid £57,895 per point. 

I've not worked out the rest of the league because I can't find wage info for them, but I'm assuming St Mirren, Hamilton and Livingston are paying less than Kilmarnock and St Johnstone, while Dundee and Motherwell are probably paying around the same. That being the case if Livingston have a wage bill of £1.5 million and on 30 points they've paid around £50,000 per point. 

At the other end Dundee, on 10 points with a wage bill of say £2 million are paying £200,000 per point. 


Anyway, what does all this mean, well, frankly, absolutely nothing, other than perhaps highlighting that some managers are doing pretty well with the resources they have and some are doing poorly with what they have. I've yet to hear a word of criticism about Neil Lennon for example, yet St Johnstone, Killie, Livingston and even Hearts are out performing them this season, sort of.  


*Celtic and St Johnstone have played one match less. 

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Poor John ....did you not get any toys or games to keep you entertained?  I think this highlights the cost of points at the top end of the table.  I remember the Real Madrid president saying that he had a team capable of 80 points per season but he was buying Ronaldo for 90 million because he thought he was likely to add another 5 points per season.  That works out at 18 million euros per point.


We've got a first team capable of challenging, but we don't have a squad anywhere near strong enough.  Celtic's additional points are the costliest but it shows how far we've still to go.

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Socks Gaffer, socks, that's what you get for Christmas at my age, socks and heartburn. 

I'm disappointed, if not entirely surprised, that this level of in-depth, high quality, valuable analysis hasn't found an audience on here yet. I'm going to send it to Swiss Ramble on Twitter and see if we can become mates. 


For me I think it proves, as Livingston top the table, that crime clearly does pay. That's an important lesson for all of us particularly at this time of year. 

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