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Scotland Doubleheider versus Albania/Israel

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So much for collective spirit towards the cause.


What you've got ..........


- apathy and many players deserting a sinking ship


- a lot of the media sharpening the knives for a manager who has been in the job for 180 competitive minutes, won one of them and has if the team play ok, an excellent chance of topping the Nations League group.


- an Association with limited funds and options going forward



You could see this level of apathy coming from a few weeks ago and I guess it's the International way of losing part of the dressing room.

With a press pack that resembles a group of hyenas stalking a 'wounded' Alex McLeish, this appears to be only going one way and the only doubt is timescale.


Can Eck prolong his stay and qualify from this immediate group ?


Apparently a win against Israel would probably be enough, regardless of the result in Albania.

However, if we were to lose in Albania, it'll be tin hats and ear plugs for the squad and players prior to the Israel match.


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All of that is true but since the Roxborough/Brown years, I haven’t been able to bother.


I’ve gone from boyhood expectation that Scotland would win no matter who, except maybe Hungary and South Americans, to the roller coaster of magnificent defeat and unexpected victory (did I get that the right way round?) and now to apathy. Very wrong of me, I know.

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20 minutes ago, Scott7 said:

All of that is true but since the Roxborough/Brown years, I haven’t been able to bother.


I’ve gone from boyhood expectation that Scotland would win no matter who, except maybe Hungary and South Americans, to the roller coaster of magnificent defeat and unexpected victory (did I get that the right way round?) and now to apathy. Very wrong of me, I know.

Apathy is definitely the main thing hanging around the Scottish national team at present.


You have a group of mainly young players, a time of transition but immediate expectancy levels from the 'expert hacks' in the media.


Eck may or may not be the best man to take the project forward but the SFA would probably have less money in the bank account to afront another recruitment drive. Anyone wanting Eck out should suggest a viable and realistic replacement at the sametime.


Between most parties involved (including a lot of the media), they seem to be pushing a downward spiral that'll do nothing to favour the prospects of the younger players who'll have to take this forward.







Edited by buster.
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"Apathy is definitely the main thing hanging around the Scottish national team at present."


Indeed; you could cut the apathy with a knife.


However, along with this widespread indifference, there is also, among the tartan partisans, widespread antipathy,  this animus directed against McLeish, for his Rangers' connection, and for his departure some years ago to pastures more lucrative, and against Rangers', or even ex-Rangers' players, for being, or having been, Rangers' players.

This ill feeling, more than performance or pricing, although both have to be considered, has pushed many of us, perhaps all or nearly all, away from support of, or even interest in, the National XI. Thus a large section of potential customers is alienated, and increasingly unconcerned about the Scotland team's fortunes. 

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On 14/11/2018 at 13:47, Bill said:

Far too much mutual ill-feeling has gone under the bridge for many Rangers fans to give a damn about international football. I honestly lost all interest years ago and only notice internationals because of frustration at the absence of Rangers games every few weeks.

Will the authorities be taking action against the SFA after we see numerous flags and banners of a political and terrorising nature at Hampden on Tuesday?? Will our Israeli opponents be made welcome in this “all inclusive” Scotland??

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2 hours ago, cooponthewing said:

Will the authorities be taking action against the SFA after we see numerous flags and banners of a political and terrorising nature at Hampden on Tuesday?? Will our Israeli opponents be made welcome in this “all inclusive” Scotland??

Good questions. Like you I wait with bated breath!! :applepine:

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7 hours ago, cooponthewing said:

Will the authorities be taking action against the SFA after we see numerous flags and banners of a political and terrorising nature at Hampden on Tuesday?? Will our Israeli opponents be made welcome in this “all inclusive” Scotland??

The state doing the terrorising should change the relevant policies, if it wants no protests against them.



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Back to the football........


Excellent 0-4 win for Scotland and well done to Eck for shutting up the hyena like press pack, who'll head back into the long-grass awaiting the next opportunity.


We go into the Israel match needing a win to top the group and qualify for the next stage. Israel will be fresher and having watched the game last night will be targetting Paterson down their leftside.


We have some decent young players but they have a long way to go before they'll be able to compete at a higher Internationsl level. The positive is that at least there is something to work with.





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