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Neil must be awarded his Equity Card soonest.


Of course, he has previous. Whilst playing for ra Sellik against ICT at Pittodrie in Caley's first season in the top flight. The Spanish winger who previously played for Hearts, kicked Lennon on the calf, he fell immediately to ground holding his face. Lat night he was struck on the chest by a coin, he falls to ground, after a second's thought, holding his face.


The narrative is already written, the accusations will be inflated, Lennon will be awarded Scottish football Hall of Fame status. We need more pathos Neil?

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Can you imagine the Sportsound programme following say Morelos taunting opposition fans then being hit by a coin in the chest but going down holding his face and later complaining about a throbbing jaw.


He'd get absolutely hammered with a short mention for the coin thrower.


What will happen tonight ?.....I'd imagine the scripts will already be ready.


Edited by buster.
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I place the blame for this entirely on Lennon and it's way past time something was done about his antics. I saw in one article that he said his behaviour was simply a little return for stick the Hearts fans had been giving him.


This is where we are? If a top level manager hears some stick from a crowd it's perfectly acceptable to turn around and goad that crowd? How about the ref who maybe get a bit of 'whose the bastard in the black? Can he turn around and goad the crowd after disallowing a goal for their team?


Players aren't allowed to interact with crowds and certainly not goad them. Lennon is the origin of the incident. No goading no coin. He should be the starting point of the investigation.

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Something has to be done about his behaviour which all on it's own dramatically reduces the chances of such incidents being repeated.

If for example the footballing authorities or even the law were to introduce a rule stating managers must not gesticulate/interact with opposing crowds in any way which manager but him would even be affected by that? The answer is nobody.


Lennon is the indisputable root of this coin incident, he's a full scale riot waiting to happen.

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9 minutes ago, ian1964 said:


Lennon should not take any responsibility for the coin thrown at him.


Lennon should, however, take some responsibility for his own actions.  I've no doubt that there are rules that can be used to discipline managers who taunt opposing fans.  I doubt the football authorities will lift a finger against him though.

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1 minute ago, buster. said:

It's fairly simple,......... No goading = No coin thrown


The authorities have to charge Lennon, AGAIN.

Yes but get this, he wasn't goading the crowd.


"People will say I was winding the crowd up; I wasn't. I was just giving a bit back for the abuse I was taking for 90 minutes."



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17 minutes ago, JFK-1 said:

Yes but get this, he wasn't goading the crowd.



"People will say I was winding the crowd up; I wasn't. I was just giving a bit back for the abuse I was taking for 90 minutes." 

That's Donald Trump level of blatant in your face bullshit !


A journalist who doesn't tear that apart is a joke.


Who has asked him directly why he held his face after the coin hit his chest ?


Look for Tom English quotes on players cheating and ask him what he thinks of Lennon antics.


Edited by buster.
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