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Still interested in Andy Webster

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If we hav J-Rod and Svennson as first choice, I think Webster would be a more than able back up. It would give us a bit of strngth in depth. And big Marv has to go - if we have real ambitions in the Uefa cup then he is just not good enough.

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I don't think he'll be moving as a second choice. I think he'll be battliing with Svensson for a start alongside J-Rod and I think he'l belkieve that he can get the jersey. Competition for places keeps players sharp and I don't think he'll see it much different. But I do think Svensson is in pole position as he is already a Rangers player.

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I think Pressley has made Webster at Hearts although ive heard the reverse also.


Ditto, and ditto.


I would take Pressley before Webster. Pressley's a leader and reads the game well. Webster and he partner well but Webster on his own doesn't seem anything to write home about to me.

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I've also heard the same, that Webster makes Pressley and vice versa. I still think he's better than anything we had last season, apart from when J-Rod started to come onto a game latterly.


Either way, I can't see why he'd come as the obvious pairing would seem to be J-Rod and Svensson, neither of whom will stay if they're just going to be warming the bench.

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I certainly wouldn't take him because he is Scottish. I am patriotic and of course I'd love to see 11 Scots out there for Rangers, but it's a fact of life that Scottish players are a long way off the best in the world. We already have arguably the best one in Ferguson, but it is important we bring in the best players we can regardless of where they come from.


Yes, if the best players happen to be Scottish, great, but it should not be a pre-requisite imo.

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