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Spartak Moscow sack Massimo Carrera

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GLASGOW cops will put up to 300 cops on red alert as they brace themselves for the visit of Russian ultras at Ibrox on Thursday.

Police Scotland are preparing for 1000 Spartak Moscow fans to descend on Glasgow for the Europa League clash with Rangers – the first time they’ve travelled since the death of a policeman.

The club’s notorious ultras were banned from travelling for two matches by UEFA following the tragedy during violence in Bilbao earlier this year.

We saw violent scenes back in August when Croatians NK Osijek visited Ibrox and two were stabbed – and officers are keen to avoid a repeat.

A source told the Daily Record: ““They have categorised this the highest risk game to be played at Ibrox so far this season. Usually, around 100 public order officers are on standby for UEFA matches.

“This time, they’re taking no chances, especially after Osijek, and between 250-300 are expected to be on duty, in additon to the usual numbers in and around the ground.”

The Russians will start to arrive today and it is believed they will be joined by cops from their own country, who will work with the police here to identify trouble.

Spartak fans have in recent times been slapped with a number of fines and sanctions from UEFA.

Last year a firework was thrown at Turkish referee Deniz Aytekin in a Champions League tie against Slovenian’s Maribor.

They were banned from taking travelling supporters to their next away match in Seville and fined £55,000.

Their own stadium was partially closed as punishment for racist abuse dished out to a young player managed by current Rangers gaffer Steven Gerrard.

Bobby Adekanye, 18, was on the receiving end as Liverpool under-19s played in a UEFA Youth League game at the Spartak Academy.

Things came to a head in February when Spanish policeman Arias Garcia died after suffering a heart attack after taking a blow to the face during street battles.

Spartak fans were locked out of the next two European matches and the club were fined £50,000.

The Moscow club earlier complained to UEFA when Rangers decided to offer less then the regulation five per cent of the stadium’s capacity.

But UEFA allowed the Ibrox club to sell only 1001 tickets to the Russians, rather than the 2500 they were after.

A spokeswoman for Police Scotland said: “The match has been risk assessed and will be policed appropriately.”


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You can almost guarantee Police Scotland will make a dog's breakfast of policing Spartak fans ... and ensure the blame for any incidents falls squarely at the feet of Rangers fans. 

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I remember us playing against Cologne many years ago and their coach telling everyone they had a weakened team and they wouldn't have a chance against Rangers. Rangers lost 1-0 If I remember right.

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