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As I am one of the main posters who are critical of referees I decided I should post this........


Unconscious bias. Your background, personal experiences, societal stereotypes and cultural context can have an impact on your decisions and actions without you realising. Our biases are influenced by our background, cultural environment and personal experiences.



Edited by cooponthewing
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7 hours ago, MacK1950 said:

And mhedia driven as no doubt referees watch television,read newspapers and use social media.

Aye MacK it’s a psychologically measured fact that this happens. Yet, there are still some who don’t believe its a reality?

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There are certain things which need to take place to eliminate as much bias as possible.

One way to omit bias from the Scottish game would be to import fulltime refs from outside of Scotland. Practicable? Firstly, SPFL would have to go to a full-time referee system. Additionally, a video review should be introduced as well as an impartial, permanent review board which examines all carded calls.  Referees should be graded and ranked based upon the accurateness and timeliness of their calls. If referees fail to meet prescribed standards then they should be replaced. 


If you want a professional league then you must have a truly professional referee corp. This is not rocket science.

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Just now, stewarty said:

The problem with all of that @Malangsob, is cost.   

The cost could be absorbed spread over the entire league.  SPFL refs are absolutely horrid and this has to change. These are not luxury costs these are integral to product quality and efficiency.

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2 minutes ago, Malangsob said:

The cost could be absorbed spread over the entire league.  SPFL refs are absolutely horrid and this has to change. These are not luxury costs these are integral to product quality and efficiency.

I'm not sure its as simple as saying: spread the cost.


Budgets in Scottish football are so tight that even (what might seem like) a modest reduction could be significant for most clubs.  And tbh, the idea of professionalising referees and making it an attractive enough proposition for the current ones to give up their other careers, should not be underestimated.   

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2 minutes ago, stewarty said:

I'm not sure its as simple as saying: spread the cost.


Budgets in Scottish football are so tight that even (what might seem like) a modest reduction could be significant for most clubs.  And tbh, the idea of professionalising referees and making it an attractive enough proposition for the current ones to give up their other careers, should not be underestimated.   

Many other leagues do it. Further, the 'current' ones would not be a part of the new equation as they have shown in spades their collective inability to officiate a pie eating contest, let alone a professional fitbaw match.

  Effective referee game management is as integral to a fitbaw game as an endocrine system is to a body.

If the quality of ref is raised then the quality of match play will, as consistency will be the standard.

This is required. This is not a luxury.  Find the money or continue to fail.



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