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Celtic v Rangers: Becoming the real deal...

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1 hour ago, JohnMc said:

I realise my over-whelming sense of disappointment about yesterday is largely down to my feelings of optimism about our team as August progressed. Not since our first match against them since promotion back up to the SPFL have I gone into a game against them actually believing we could win it. It's the hope that kills you and all that... It's not the result that's so disappointing, rather it was the performance. It feels like an opportunity lost, clearly Celtic were having issues behind the scenes whilst we were on something of a roll. In my opinion we got our tactics wrong, particularly in the first half. 


However, most of our players will get a break now and that can only be a good thing. It was a difficult start to the season, with a brand new side and brand new manager. Dropping 7 points from a possible 9 away from home is poor by anyone's standards, but, there's some mitigation with our European matches and our over-achievement in them. 


How we bounce back from this first set-back will be revealing. That's how we'll know what kind of team we now have. Full league points for the rest of September please. 

Agree with all of that John. Feeling less raw at the moment compared to yesterday but I still feel rather disappointed. Having seen what Hearts did to them, I was hoping we would do something similar. A higher line and press would have opened the game up somewhat and there is good chance we would have lost more goals but we seemed to set the tone of the game by sitting deep from the first whistle. Their CB's could have played the game in their slippers in the 1st half. 


My pros and cons would be as follows:



1. I think a rugged 45 minutes of attacks/corners/free kicks will be a great lesson for our back 4 (especially the CB's) and will hold us in good stead. Despite being about 12/13 games in we look quite settled and relatively solid.


2. We clearly are building a good team ethic/spirit with a team willing to work for each other (as illustrated at the final whistle on Thursday)




1. Our ball retention was appalling (fatigue or not) and only served to make the game easier for them. A similar thing happened in the 2nd half of the Motherwell game and it is a bit of worry.


2. Game management. It was obvious to everyone that we needed to get further up the pitch but the fact that it took so long was kind of worrying.


In the end it was a bit Johnny Nash for me ie. More questions than answers





Edited by BlackSocksRedTops
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We've played 10 games within 5 weeks, difficult and draining away ties amongst them. A fresh team, undefeated in all but one game. WIth a bit of luck, they might have scored 3 more yesterday. With a bit of luck, we might not have conceded 2 in the last minutes against the Sheep and 'Well - in adverse circumstances - and thus be on 9 instead of 5 points. We've got three players coming in to give us some flexibility ... and we get a neat rest for a week or so.

Edited by der Berliner
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Regards the earlier Sky comments about crowd allocations if it were to come that they controlled what clubs do in this respect it would be a bad day.

If the broadcasters are worried about crowds they should start looking at our other away games where we fill,normally,both ends of grounds and the home supporters are ,again normally,minuscule and suggest that home supporters in these games are "banished" to the ends of the ground so their precious cameras can show real fans.

Edited by MacK1950
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3 hours ago, Gonzo79 said:

We weren't good enough.  It's that simple. 


You can't let a team run all over the top of you like that.  I hope Gerrard has learned from yesterday.

They totally battered us yesterday. Such a disappointment.

Edited by Ser Barristan Selmy
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10 hours ago, The Shed said:

I know why it was done, I just think it's a mistake to diminish the only thing that this league has to offer the wider football world, and reducing the opposing support to virtually nothing, diminishes it.  I wouldn't be surprised if in the not too distant future Sky will be informing the clubs the same. That's my opinion, I'm entitled to it as are you to yours, so don't be giving it the 'Oh dear'  shite.


You’re obviously completely correct. The old firm rivalry and atmosphere is about the only thing the Scottish game has going for it, and nullifying that is stupid.

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My thoughts on the game:


We played right into Ceptic hands...and played exactly how every other team plays.

They like to build from the back - casually passing between their back 4 & holding Mids.  They rarely get ANY pressure from the opposition while doing this.  Morelos would occasionally have a wee 1/2 hearted run at them, but nothing sustained or in any numbers.  This allows them to firstly increase their possession stats considerably & also allows them to survey the play ahead of them.  Gives the more forward players time to move about & create space.  Then all it takes is 2-3 passes and their swarming the penalty box.  As a result this makes Broonaldo look a helluva lot better than he actually is.

Most team that have been them have identified this and press their defenders relentlessly .


We simply did not press them enough for large parts of the game.  Instead we invited them to attack & tried to soak up the pressure - which I think we did VERY well.  I find that I'm no longer getting really nervous whenever a ball is played into our box.  Soaking up that amount of pressure for 90mins is an exceedingly big ask for ANY team.


I felt that our 2nd biggest flaw was too many long balls from McGregor.  We were not winning the either the 1st or 2nd balls from the keepers long punts.  This allowed them to reset & attack again - giving us no rest. 

We had very little opportunity to actually get a breather & retain possession for any length of time.


I would like to have seen more pressure put on Broonaldo....booked after 10mins, we should have been right in his face and niggling him at EVERY opportunity.


Ultimately we needed to push the game further up the pitch & let their midfield know that they are in a game....just didn't happen though.


Overall, disappointed with the result but generally content with the play - we looked solid enough & with a few wee tweaks, could change things significantly.

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15 minutes ago, Darthter said:

My thoughts on the game:


We played right into Ceptic hands...and played exactly how every other team plays.

They like to build from the back - casually passing between their back 4 & holding Mids.  They rarely get ANY pressure from the opposition while doing this.  Morelos would occasionally have a wee 1/2 hearted run at them, but nothing sustained or in any numbers.  This allows them to firstly increase their possession stats considerably & also allows them to survey the play ahead of them.  Gives the more forward players time to move about & create space.  Then all it takes is 2-3 passes and their swarming the penalty box.  As a result this makes Broonaldo look a helluva lot better than he actually is.

Most team that have been them have identified this and press their defenders relentlessly .


We simply did not press them enough for large parts of the game.  Instead we invited them to attack & tried to soak up the pressure - which I think we did VERY well.  I find that I'm no longer getting really nervous whenever a ball is played into our box.  Soaking up that amount of pressure for 90mins is an exceedingly big ask for ANY team.


I felt that our 2nd biggest flaw was too many long balls from McGregor.  We were not winning the either the 1st or 2nd balls from the keepers long punts.  This allowed them to reset & attack again - giving us no rest. 

We had very little opportunity to actually get a breather & retain possession for any length of time.


I would like to have seen more pressure put on Broonaldo....booked after 10mins, we should have been right in his face and niggling him at EVERY opportunity.


Ultimately we needed to push the game further up the pitch & let their midfield know that they are in a game....just didn't happen though.


Overall, disappointed with the result but generally content with the play - we looked solid enough & with a few wee tweaks, could change things significantly.

Agree with every word of that Darther. Your point about Brown was spot on. We should have been on him straight after that yellow card. We made it easy for him

Edited by BlackSocksRedTops
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I hardly know celtic nowadays. Gordon’s a very good ‘keeper. Brown is effective despite the derision on here. Griffiths is dangerous. Tierney is worth £40M + and rising. But that’s it. From Evans/Tully up to Larsen/Sutton I knew who the opposition was. Not any more. Come to think of it, rattling off a Rangers team isn’t so easy either. But I can do it with a bit of thought.

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