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Rangers staff risk stoking sectarianism hints Glasgow council boss Susan Aitken

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Excellent work from Club 1872.  I was critical of this organisation in the early days but they are performing well in instances like this now.  Nice!  Maybe they just didn't know where they fit in and what role they should be adopting, but this is exactly the type of instance to intervene.  As for this issue, I sense that these people are in some trouble over this.  And from what I can tell, this was a molehill that's become a mountain.  If they had just been open in their discussions with the Rangers board, this could all have been smoothed over, even if some people did intervene against policy.  However, it's the subsequent attempts to misinform and misdirect that is the issue now.  As you guys know, I have no affiliation with any party so I don't really care how this looks for those involved, but if I was a senior leader in the SNP I would move quickly to address this internally, and then perhaps privately with Rangers' execs because even if it turns out they have acted properly, the perception is very different.  It's the perception that will have the political impact on them.  What is factual to me though is that Cllr Aitken was irresponsible when she wrongly accused Rangers of sectarianism and that in itself is grounds for a disciplinary review.

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As predicted, the three amigos have went into full victim mode, and sectarian  victims too.... even though the accusers come from a broad church, both politically and religiously.

Good to see this matter is not going away quietly. Hopefully this is us just the start of their massive bias unfurling.

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8 hours ago, Bill said:

You're the one who mentioned white men, there must have been a reason. How about this version instead ....


If anyone wanted to understand why we're voiceless and powerless in our own city a read of this thread is instructive. What started as frustration around a fanzone has morphed into angry black men yelling 'slavery' into the void whilst dreaming of rimming Jeremy Corbyn. No wonder Muslims run rings round us politically.


Bill, go look in the mirror, you're white, deal with it. 


Now your version only further underlines the point I was making. So far no black Muslims have come on and mentioned slavery but when they do I'll be sure to call them out for it too. Happy? 


No councillor is going to vote against their own community council's wishes without a very good reason. It's electoral suicide. Local council elections have low turnouts, majorities are measured in tens or hundreds. The local councillor, whatever their personal views, isn't going to risk alienating politically engaged residents over a topic like this. Dornan was elected on second preferences, he's not sitting on a comfortable majority. 

Rangers, and Rangers supporters, need to deal with this type of thing in a clear headed and pragmatic way. As well as questioning why the community council were against a fanzone for reasons that seem spurious at best we should also be asking what more the club could do to behind the scenes with the community council to change their mind. The current situation where we're descending into trench warfare helps no one but opposition politicians. It certainly won't get us a fanzone any faster. 


Lastly I read somewhere that Alasdair Morrison, a former Labour MSP, is advising the club. Anyone know if that's true? Morrison is very friendly with Frank McAveety, and McAveety's statements on this has always struck me as surprising. All politicians are opportunistic I suppose. If we are being advised by Morrison I'd love to know what the strategy is. 


The only thing I know for sure won't help Rangers on this issue, or the many more that'll come up in the future, is supporters describing fellow supporters as the enemy. It would be good if people could see why that's both insulting and inaccurate. 

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2 minutes ago, JohnMc said:

Lastly I read somewhere that Alasdair Morrison, a former Labour MSP, is advising the club. Anyone know if that's true? Morrison is very friendly with Frank McAveety, and McAveety's statements on this has always struck me as surprising. All politicians are opportunistic I suppose. If we are being advised by Morrison I'd love to know what the strategy is. 


The only thing I know for sure won't help Rangers on this issue, or the many more that'll come up in the future, is supporters describing fellow supporters as the enemy. It would be good if people could see why that's both insulting and inaccurate. 

The strategy will be to use Rangers to oust SNP and replace them Labour councillors. And as you said politicians are opportunistic.The cynic in me says they are not doing it for Rangers.

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14 hours ago, Little General said:

The strategy will be to use Rangers to oust SNP and replace them Labour councillors. And as you said politicians are opportunistic.The cynic in me says they are not doing it for Rangers.

Sometimes you have to get into bed with the devil .

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15 hours ago, Little General said:

The strategy will be to use Rangers to oust SNP and replace them Labour councillors. And as you said politicians are opportunistic.The cynic in me says they are not doing it for Rangers.

That's a very risky tactic.  As JohnMc points out, local council elections are decided on pretty small margins.  What happens if the local voters start thinking that Rangers are trying to throw their weight about (politically)....you may then find that that local SNP majority goes up - especially if they are doing others things that the voters like.

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