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[FT] Rangers 2 - 0 St Mirren (Morelos, Goldson - McCrorie Sent Off)

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The fact we have had multiple red cards rescinded the last couple of seasons doesn't translate to being the victim of bad decisions in the fantasy bubble of those who hate the club. Rescinded cards means conspiracy to give us complimentary special attention entirely bypassing the reality that reducing us to 10 men in key games is the polar opposite of complimentary and has robbed us of precious points.

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19 hours ago, T-1000 said:

It is difficult to gauge how Sadiq will turn out because he has had limited time on the pitch and only then we have been down to 10 players which affects our approach.  However, based on what we have seen he seems to lack co-ordination and is let down by poor control.  Hopefully as he has more playing time we will find out if he adds another dimension to the team.

I have seen it said by people who have coached him that this appearance of lack of co-ordination can actually work in his favour. It's apparently very difficult to predict what he's going to do next and sometimes what he does next is world class.


Chances are even he doesn't know what the next touch will bring. It keeps defenders guessing and draws them into his orbit creating space for others.

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IFAB laws of the game. 

Where a player denies the opposing team a goal or an obvious goal-scoring opportunity by a deliberate handball offence the player is sent off wherever the offence occurs.

Where a player commits an offence against an opponent within their own penalty area which denies an opponent an obvious goal-scoring opportunity and the referee awards a penalty kick, the offending player is cautioned if the offence was an attempt to play the ball; in all other circumstances (e.g. holding, pulling, pushing, no possibility to play the ball etc.) the offending player must be sent off.

A player, sent off player, substitute or substituted player who enters the field of play without the required referee's permission and interferes with play or an opponent and denies the opposing team a goal or an obvious goal-scoring opportunity is guilty of a sending-off offence

The following must be considered:
  • distance between the offence and the goal
  • general direction of the play
  • likelihood of keeping or gaining control of the ball
  • location and number of defenders”

interestingly the aspects which apply to yesterdays incidents are the bullet points at the end. A hasty red looking at the actual laws of the game. The biggest question mark are the first and third bullet points. If you assume he was going wide then the 4th comes into play. 


Id put it in the category of bad decision rather than the cheating we have become accustomed to but when you hear idiots like Thomson and Stewart saying red ‘all day long’ you just know they haven’t taken 2 minutes to read the basics and have taken less that 2 seconds to formulate their opinion which is normally ‘Rangers Bad’. 

Yeah bad decison. Born out of a hatred of us no doubt.

The ref couldnt wait to pull out the red when a yellow was the right decision.
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With the exception of a player entering the field of play (substitute/sent off player) there is nothing in the laws  which stipulates a red card outwith the 4 bullet points. 


Whatever it is, it is not ‘a red card all day long’ . Michael Stewart isn’t as clever as he thinks. 

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Here's a troubling one from a yahoo forum after our win over St Mirren.



They are improved but it was a fairly low bar they had set themselves and they haven’t really played anyone of note yet, apart from a severely bus lagged Aberdeen.

This worries me, should the general public be alerted to this condition known as 'severe bus lag'?  Are people taking a day trip to Blackpool going to be too bus lagged to do anything once they get there?


Because keep in mind this was professional athletes days after this horrific bus journey all the way from darkest Lancashire and still 'severely bus lagged'


What chance does that give the average unfit maw and paw on a day trip? 

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On 13/08/2018 at 13:45, DMAA said:

That's all I said, maybe one for for us to watch


I find it bizarre that you have a problem with a fan discussing how a few players did on the match thread on a fans forum. I wasn't overly critical of anyone and didn't say Gerrard should have done anything differently. Just a few observations on the game as I saw it.

It's not bizarre ... but you've seen 50 odd minutes of a game and share comments like the above. Players are humans, they won't work like automatons and will struggle to work in a similar pattern each week. The better the players are and the more games they have played, the more consistent they will become. Many of our players haven't really found there feet yet, be it in Scotland, in this league, with their fellow players et al. It is obviously interesting to see opinions on players, but after so few games ...


As I said, it is all fine and well, but if done with each game in an isolated manner, you'll hardly get a balanced view of each player. It was, BTW, not directly aimed at you ... over on FF you get this countless times and people would swing hatchets every other week, only to end up in adolation thread if someone scores a worldy ... for a change.

Edited by der Berliner
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34 minutes ago, der Berliner said:

over on FF you get this countless times and people would swing hatchets every other week, only to end up in adolation thread if someone scores a worldy ... for a change.

I understand frustration at this. I just think you thought I was drawing big conclusions from my comments when I wasn't.


I made positive comments about Flanagan, Ejaria and Goldson.


I praised Morelos but said he's not a natural finisher. I've more than a few games of him and although he's not a natural finisher and gives the ball away too much I've always defended him and think he's a top player. I praised Coulibaly but also said he's limited in possession and has been asked to keep it simple, Gerrard himself said this when we signed him. I praised Barisic too but said his touch and passing weren't the standard I expected, those comments were obviously only intended as first impression comments not absolute truths.


I don't comment on individual players like that every week so it was just a bit frustrating to be equivocated with those guys who slate our players mindlessly all the time when I'm very positive about everyone in this team but don't have a problem with discussing these things.

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