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Club 1872 Project Proposals - Vote Required

Prior to the start of the 2018/19 domestic season, Club 1872 is pleased to present two projects that we have been working on over the summer to members for approval. The first of these projects is detailed below. The second will be sent to members shortly via a seperate email with voting link. 

The first project is to fund an adapted road vehicle to assist supporters with mobility difficulties from the Albion Car Park to the turnstiles at Ibrox. The vehicle could also be used to assist with transportation for disabled supporters to supporters buses and to help facilitate events such as dream days where sick children and their parents visit Ibrox and the Hummel Training Centre. At present there is no alternative in place for any of these uses.

Both the Club 1872 Board and the Club 1872 Projects Working Group believe that this project will benefit both the Rangers community and Rangers Football Club through supporting our disabled and infirm supporters and ensuring they have a better match day experience. The project has been evaluated and costed by the Club 1872 Projects Working Group.

The proposal is:

  • To purchase an adapted road vehicle with wheelchair access and a ramp.
  • To brand the vehicle with Club 1872 branding to provide a highly visible presence around Ibrox on match day and around the city on other occasions it is in use.
  • The vehicle purchase would be funded by Club 1872 but all running and operational costs will be met by Rangers Football Club.
  • The cost of the project to Club 1872 including the vehicle and branding will not exceed £10,000.

The project requires majority approval from the voting membership and voting will remain open until midnight on 15th August 2018.

Results will be announced thereafter.


Club 1872



Edited by BEARGER
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And one more.


Club 1872 Project Proposal - RCF Walking Football - Vote Required

Prior to the start of the 2018/19 domestic season, Club 1872 is pleased to present another potential project to members for approval.

The project is to support the Rangers Charity Foundation (RCF) in its provision of a year long Walking Football programme to members of the Rangers family. Walking Football provides the opportunity for supporters aged 50 + to take part in the sport that they love. It targets socially isolated individuals using the hook of the club to bring people together for some physical exercise and the chance to build their network of people in the local community.

The session lasts 2 hours, the first hour is activity helping with participants' well-being both physical and mental through enjoyable structured walking football, whilst the second hour is for socialising and building positive relationships which can be carried forward out with the sessions.

Walking Football would take place at the Ibrox Complex with the social time taking place in the Ibrox Community Hub.

Both the Club 1872 Board and the Club 1872 Projects Working Group believe that this project will benefit both the Rangers community and Rangers Football Club through supporting older or isolated supporters.

The link between Club 1872 and the Rangers Charity Foundation is very strong and we are very pleased to find a potential project which can support the work of the RCF as well as meeting our aims to work for the benefit of Rangers and the Rangers community.

The proposal is:

  • To fund the provision of a year long programme of walking football by the Rangers Charity Foundation for up to 30 participants each week.
  • This includes the provision of 2 RCF coaches, Ibrox Complex hire, t-shirts for participants and hire of club facilities.
  • The cost of the project is £5,500.

The project requires majority approval from the voting membership and voting will remain open until midnight on 15th August 2018. Results will be announced thereafter.

Members can cast their vote below.


Club 1872



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