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BBC Scotland: Stevie Gerrard

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The paymasters in London should be all over this? However, I suspect should MOTD for example, ever come calling for an interview we will have no issues and will provide them with one. The proviso would be that it is only aired on MOTD it BBC down south. Otherwise they can’t have it. Then we wait until they ask why?


As for this, what has it got to do with these parochial, fork carrying nobodies? Nothing as usual, but they will continue to stir their negative unhealthy propaganda until they are stopped.



Edited by cooponthewing
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I get the sense that all this digging around trying to find the most tenuous connections which are then used to paint Rangers in a negative light amounts to concern that Gerrard might actually construct a good team and prove to be a master tactician/motivator.


And you can be guaranteed they wont let us win even if we win. If Gerrard were to defy all their scoffing and predictions to take the league at his first attempt it wouldn't be down to him being a good coach and team builder. It would simply be the fault of the yahoos/Brenda somehow incompetently throwing it away.

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I can’t remember the year but I’ll never forget Rangers winning the league and being banished from the sports pages for weeks afterwards as they creamed themselves over the departure of Larsson. The pettiness of the press in Scotland wouldn’t be believed in normal countries. 

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