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Celtic superfan suing club for £50,000 after falling and hitting his head at game

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Aw, Matt McGlone; truly a cnutoid from the planet cnut.


Some thirty years past, he began a 'Zine entitled, 'Once a Tim'. He got one decision correct, he tempted(with cash) the cartoonist from the Aberdeen 'Zine, 'the Northern Light', George Reid to pen a double page cartoon series entitled, the H-u-ns' for every edition. John Brown was portrayed as Psycho, replete in black dress whilst wielding a large blade. The Yahoos and all Rangers haters lapped it all up, Cosgrove was a big fan. Then, Matt got involved in Celts for Change and was happy to be viewed as the leader off.


McCann brought the controlling families to the negotiating table and included in his backers that night at ra Piggery was the soon to be bankrupt Brian Dempsey and Matt McGlone. Fergus was generous, he allowed Dempsey several months not to deliver his promised million pounds and rewarded Matt with a column in ra Sellik View for the next five years. Obviously, Fergus wanted Matt inside the tent pissin' out as opposed to ..... Matt brought Geo Reid to ra View where the cartoon series became, 'the Gers', John Brown remained Psycho. When Fergus departed, Matt was out on his ear too. I do not think the new hierarchy could stomach more of Matt's columns on his new found celebrity status? Oh Aye, Matt was at the top table with Cardinal Tom at the Innocents diner and telling Tom the ecumenical score over the lobster bisque!


Matt was/is a boorish prick and everyone was finding out, he begged jobs at Phoenix Honda, private hire driving, selling double glazing, ...... etc and lost them all. He restarted his 'Zine under a different name, 'the Alternative View', purchased and ran a laundry business into the ground, allegedly marched Columbian powder around the south side, ...... ; well, there were two/three wives, and a couple of birds to support.


Anyways, I recommend all Gersnetters to pick up a copy of Matt's autobiography, 'Emotionally Sellik'. The foreword is pyoor Yahoo, he begs the forgiveness of all the ladies in his life for not always being there, it was NOT his fault because there had always been ------- ra Sellik.


I would advise ra Sellik to counter sue Matt for the damage done to the breeze block by Matt's napper, Matt has a BIG HEID. 

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