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That inane, blaring, mindless matchday music

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14 hours ago, 26th of foot said:

I think we should burn Spiers before, halftime, and post-match.


Extra Crispy Loyal RSC.

Can't.  He will be in the away end at wherever Celtic are playing !

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57 minutes ago, Gonzo79 said:

I take it you're a fan of the music? 

I'm not just against the music. It's the eardrum-rupturing crowd-suppressing volume that pisses me off. It's a football match ffs, Let the fans make the noise again.


Much is always made of the lack of atmosphere at games ... which was the express reason loud music was brought in in the first place. Some of us remember a time before that when there was a real build up before kickoff, when fans were allowed to decide for themselves what would be sung. Not the limp dick performance with the flags and endless replaying of the same pathetic song.

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4 hours ago, Gonzo79 said:

I take it you're a fan of the music? 

I wasn't being entirely serious, I mean who wants rattles back? 


I think complaining about the type of music or the volume of music being played just about anywhere is simply a sign of getting old. As I'm now reaching the age of average life expectancy for large parts of of Glasgow I'm reluctant to publicly admit to my doddering state by complaining about music. 

I mean it would be great if we didn't need signing sections and ultras and choreographed displays and everyone stayed until the end and the East Enclosure spontaneously burst into song 20 minutes into the first half and kept it up all game, but that's not how it works these days, it seems. 

So I'm a bit meh about the music, shrugging my shoulders and accepting that shit changes whether I want it too or not. 


But let's be clear one one thing Gonzo, you're fuckin way out of line on Madness, all sorts of wrong on that one sir. 

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13 minutes ago, Gonzo79 said:

My dad listened to Madness loads when I was young.  I just find them rather annoying and childish (but I like The Specials).

So was your house in the middle of your street?

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19 hours ago, JFK-1 said:

Ramones? Badly mistaken. Here's the most obvious selection.



Okay I will own up. I went to see the Bay City Rollers live at the Electric Gardens. Shame on me but I was just more curious than liking their music.

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12 minutes ago, pete said:

Okay I will own up. I went to see the Bay City Rollers live at the Electric Gardens. Shame on me but I was just more curious than liking their music.

I suppose you'd call that being Bay/curious?

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12 minutes ago, pete said:

Okay I will own up. I went to see the Bay City Rollers live at the Electric Gardens. Shame on me but I was just more curious than liking their music.

I can't believe you confessed to that. I bet you were all decked out in tartan with troosers up to the middle of your shins.

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31 minutes ago, JFK-1 said:

I can't believe you confessed to that. I bet you were all decked out in tartan with troosers up to the middle of your shins.

Nah i probably thought more that there would be some really hot birds there.

I will say though I have worn a jimmy hat a few times.

I did wear a black or white Fred Perry with a black or white chiffon scarf around my neck. If it was the white Fred Perry, I wore the Black chiffon scarf and vice versa. It was for the fluorescent lights in Clouds the Discotheque.  Oh the joys of being young.


Just for Bill, I see the Gaffer was in Ibiza for a David Guetta concert. Possibly for some new music for the scored goals?:D



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