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Rangers failing academy and Mark Allen

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Is it a failing of the youth academy though, or a failing on the 1st team, for not using more younger players? As far as I can tell, the youth teams are performing admirably under Craig Mulholland's watch and producing some genuine talent.


I think it's a bit of a catch-22. We need to blood in some young players, but the 1st team can't afford to take the risk, as the support demands that we win every game. And if the demands on the team are too much, we need to play proven 'talent' to try to win every game. To break through, the player needs to be of an exceptional quality and even if they are, the pressures to give 110% all of the time must be ridiculous.


I think the idea of playing the reserve or B team in the lower leagues/cup matches would have bee a good way of getting the boys experience. But I'm pretty sure that was vetoed.

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3 minutes ago, buster. said:

If there is quality there will be a pathway, eg. Ross McCrorie.


It takes a special youngster to be able to handle all aspects of a step-up to the demands of the Rangers first-team and stay there.

That's why over the years there are countless stories of promising youngsters that come to nothing or leave and have a career elsewhere.


ie. First and foremost, we need to produce quality .

Also throw in the likes of young Gilmour moving to Chelsea, it takes more than talent to get into any first team, they have to push themselves as hard as they can.

The Liverpool LB Robertson was rejected by the scum for being too wee!.

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Sometimes I wonder if these lazy morons in the press are actually doing us a favour.  I'm serious, and here's my rationale ...


As a club we've no doubt transformed the off field business.  The new sponsorship deals are in place and we've got better commercial arrangements in place.  The club is financially stable (albeit it still requires the directors to supplement the income for a few years yet).  However, if you believed what's written in the press, we are a basket case, just months away from imploding.  There's a constant focus on the most immaterial issues, which all creates an implication that we are doomed.


On the footballing front, despite huge mistakes in the managerial and player department, we have made progress.  We probably didn't realise it two seasons ago, but we were a million miles away from Celtic.  This season, despite the worst home record ever, we were within touching distance of them.  And yet, if you read the press coverage, this Celtic team is invincible and we are doomed again next season thanks to the rookie manager and our lack of 80m to spend on players.


I sometimes wonder if clowns like Jackson, etc are doing us a favour by creating a false sense of security for the other clubs and their fans.  If Celtic fans or Aberdeen fans saw the real picture I am sure they'd be demanding changes at their own clubs.  Instead however they're delighted to lap up the nonsense about our club being on the verge of being liquidated, thrown out of the European competitions, and losing our best players.  From what I can see, the boards and managers of our biggest competitors seem happy to massage their own egos and choose to believe the claptrap rather than take proactive action to deal with our resurgence.  So, as long as the nonsense doesn't affect our ability to continue the growth, it doesn't bother me, and in fact might just help.  How ironic that those who seek to do damage to us might actually be doing us a favour.

Edited by Gaffer
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Just now, ian1964 said:

Also throw in the likes of young Gilmour moving to Chelsea, it takes more than talent to get into any first team, they have to push themselves as hard as they can.

The Liverpool LB Robertson was rejected by the scum for being too wee!.

Apart from ability, the common trait amongst those who seem to excell is humility, the vision to see that absolute professional dedication is required, ambition to get further and not think they've made it because they get to first base and the drive to actually do it.


The enviroment that is created by the staff has to be right and when I think back to our teams like the successful early 90's, it was all very well going with drink together, win together but what kind of example does that set to the youth players, not to mention the fact that we did very little in Europe, except for 92-93.



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The attacks on the youth academy and Mark Allen are over the line. What is wrong him? 


Further evidence that the DR (as well as the BBC) have little interest in healing relations with Rangers and are enjoying having free reign to attack the club and anyone related to it. You’d never see anything vociferous like this written about any part of Celtic. 

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While, it is true that the Academy is producing decent players through it's ranks....the main question from the outside world is "How many 1st team players has it produced in recent years?".  The answer to which is "Not many".

Ross McCrory is the only recent graduate that I can think of, that is a regular 1st team player.  Young players like David Bates have only spent a short period with the academy before moving into the 1st team.


Across the city (which is used as the yard stick), they currently have both Tierney & McGregor as 1st team regulars, plus I believe another couple who have had a few appearances.


Whilst there are mitigating factors, criticism of the Academy has been fairly regular over the years - much of it coming from our own support!!!


To many folk, success is measured by the number of young players who progress through to be 1st team regulars.  Billy Gilmour could go on to be a massive talent, but the plaudits won't go to the RFC academy, but to the likes of Chelsea.

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Is it just me that can see that previous managers have failed miserably in trying out youngsters showing promise,especially McCoist,Warburton and Caxinho,at least our "holding" manager(Murty) seemed willing to try.Perhaps Gerard will discard the blinkers which seem to exist at Ibrox.

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