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Gers Fans Renew In Their Thousands

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2 minutes ago, MacK1950 said:

I gave up my CCC for away games not because I was funding other clubs,but because I was only being balloted tickets for furthest away games.

However how good it might seem to boycott away games IMHO the team would suffer if they did not have the vocal backing supplied by our fans.

48000 Rangers fans didn't seem to get them to raise their game at Ibrox too often this season.

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On 17/05/2018 at 22:18, barca72 said:

FFS. What does being a supporter mean?
Does it mean you hate the other team more than you love Rangers?
Our fans want to follow their team !!! We don't do walking away.
Just beat every other team on the field and we all shall have done our jobs.

It means doing whatever you think is in the best interests of Rangers. You and I might disagree on what that is but I don't think the many fans who, on a point of principle, no longer go to away games are less of a supporter than you.

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"The dream of my life..."

Love it


"Rangers and Liverpool" (in Sudan). have to say that one of those was a surprise to me. A pleasant surprise, but still a surprise

Edited by SteveC
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"just" a fan, Gonzo,  but one who came to Scotland as a refugee specifically to be near The Rangers.  Apparently he applied for 955 jobs, got one and .........well here is the story from the official site:


AHMED Ismail saw his dreams come true when the club invited the lifelong fan from Sudan to Ibrox.

He came to Glasgow in 2015 as a refugee and chose the city to settle because of his love of Rangers.  

Ahmed is a Glasgow Housing Association tenant from Lambhill and applied for 955 jobs after being granted leave to remain in the UK.

It was only in July of 2017, through Wheatley Group’s Changing Lives programme, that he landed a full-time job with a GHA environmental team.

It is through that job that Ahmed got his first chance to watch Rangers, and visit Ibrox in person, when his manager lent him his season ticket.

To celebrate his story the club invited the 29-year-old to watch the home against Dundee last month.

 Here is Ahmed’s story:

 “I arrived in Glasgow in 2015 as a refugee from Sudan. I was in danger there. I was hurt and my family was hurt, so I had to leave.  

“I came to Glasgow because I support Rangers – my whole family does. So when I was asked at Heathrow where I was going, straightaway I said Glasgow. 

“At first it was difficult to understand people. There are a lot of slang words, and people speak very quickly, but I kept practicing. But Glasgow people are lovely – they helped me a lot.  

“When I was given leave to remain, I wanted to start working straightaway. I have always been a hard worker. I find it very hard to just sit around. 

“But I struggled to get a chance. Even though I have a lot of experience and qualifications, and work really hard, I couldn’t get an interview.

“My housing officer told me about the Changing Lives programme. I just felt eager every day, and determined to make the most of the chance I was given. 

“After a few months, I was given a full-time job in the environmental team in Milton. I am outdoors a lot – and part of a great team 

“GHA hasn’t just changed my life, they’ve saved it.  GHA has opened so many doors for me and shown me that a way out is possible. They have really helped me a lot.

“I like working with my colleagues and I love the job. I am still so new here, and I don’t know what the future holds for me or what my ambitions are yet but GHA is a great organisation, and is very supportive of employees like me. 

“I speak to my family every day. My mother is a teacher and my father is a dentist – and a Rangers fan. They are so proud of me. 

“I miss my home, and I miss my people, obviously – but there are good people around me here too. They are so nice.”



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4 minutes ago, Gonzo79 said:

Quite an uplifting tale! 

Yes, and I love how happy he is to be at Ibrox.

Ps Well done to his boss, too.

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