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Club1872 statement re Sunday

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The worst statement ever , not only was it weak , it actually inflamed the position by begging for cash instead of holding this board to account on the mismanagement of our club .Also Stewart Robertson needs hauled over the coals , the meeting on the 26th is going to be a riot .

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13 minutes ago, rbr said:

The worst statement ever , not only was it weak , it actually inflamed the position by begging for cash instead of holding this board to account on the mismanagement of our club .Also Stewart Robertson needs hauled over the coals , the meeting on the 26th is going to be a riot .

I have just said exactly that, RBR, in my email to Club 1872.

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Like the hapless Rangers Supporters Trust before them, Club1872 looks in hock to the club, caught in no man's land and emasculated by its own ambitions with respect to any meaningful representation of supporter opinion. They play at committees, trapped by an agenda that was always worryingly narrow. As individuals they may be well-meaning but as an organisation they seem to have a forlorn lack of direction. That statement shows exactly why the board will never be unduly concerned about Club1872 making uncomfortable waves and why the support needs to look elsewhere for leadership.


If nothing else, it should be clear that a Club1872 seat on the board would, in practice, achieve very little for the ordinary supporter.


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4 hours ago, Big Jaws said:

The club1872 statement is mince Craig and I agree with the majority of what you say however your first sentence is also mince. Its not just a badge! Its an investment and any shareholder/investor in the position of club1872 should have a position on the board. The fact that they don't is concerning. As I say though the rest of your comment is a fair shout.  

How on earth is my first sentence mince ?  Are you saying that the fans voice at Rangers has never been heard ?  Because the fans group(s) have never had representation on the Board.  You are, in essence, saying that the fans have never been heard by the Club.  Was it not big Eck (IIRC) that the fans actively protested against and Murray sacked him ?


I also think that you are actually seeing what you want to see.  You say "it's not just a badge its and investment".  Nowhere did I say that I didn't want there to be fan representation on the Board.  Nor did I say they shouldn't.  There is a very big difference between believing in having something and believing that it is a necessity.  The investment should warrant a place on the Board - however, the investment absolutely doesn't mean that you need representation on the Board to be heard.  Fans can be heard without being on the Board - to suggest otherwise is simply nonsense.  See how quickly even our Board react if fans start boycotting games.....  Heck, our current Chairman himself openly encouraged ST boycott's in order to force change with the previous regime - I am sure he knows full well that the fans voices can be heard without one of them being on the Board.


You are confusing the investment warranting having representation on the Board (which it probably should) with needing a fan on the Board for the fans voices to be heard - which is nonsense.


Seems you grabbed the wrong end of the stick and ran with it.

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3 hours ago, rbr said:

Also Stewart Robertson needs hauled over the coals , the meeting on the 26th is going to be a riot .

I'm sure he'll be bothered as he counts his 260 grand bonus money since his incept date as Dave's branch manager.


He should be sacked. No harm to Motherwell, in fact naw, every harm to Motherwell, but they are about the geezer's stretch.

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I really can't be bothered with all of these reaction statements.  I think this one from Club 1872 is particularly bad because it's trying to benefit from a humiliating defeat to win support for a place on the board.  Let's see what we can achieve without one first eh?!?  Let's see if there's anyone worth a seat in the board, before suggesting it's required.  What difference would a Club 1872 rep have made to the situation?  I've seen nothing from the club directors to suggest they'd make the blindest bit of difference.


As for the VB statement too, what's the point in that?  Fair enough they can be silent at matches but what difference does that make?  None!


The four lads had a dream blog is asking for the club to announce its manager now, and announce the kit sponsor now, etc.  What utter nonsense.  How can it be announced if it's not decided?  What planet do these people live on?


Just everyone please stop with the irrelevant or useless statements.  Please!


The issue is that we are all hurting and want to do something about it.  That's only natural, but the simple fact is that we can't do much.  We can demand improvements, but I don't imagine for one second that the directors of our football club are trying to make a mess of it.  They're doing their best.  Would anyone disagree with that?  The problem is that they're trying to take risks to catapult us above Celtic and they're just not paying off.  The board needs to sort out the manager situation asap, but that's stating the bloody obvious and there's no doubt in my mind that it's top of the agenda for them.  They need to do their job better than they have been doing.


However, we as a support need to do our job better than we have been doing too.  Yes, we buy our season tickets and merchandise but our reactions to setbacks need to be handled a lot better.  These reactions do nothing but pile pressure on our young team's shoulders when the pressure is already tremendous.  We have high hopes, but unrealistic expectations at the moment.  We've made a lot of progress in the past year on and off the park.  The manager situation has been poorly handled, but again I'd remind us all that a few weeks ago we were a goal post's width away from having a league title challenge.  These are the small margins involved in this beautiful game.  We would do well to remember that.  Celtic can outspend us many times over and we cannot realistically compete with them until our revenues improve significantly.  On that front the board has done a really good job.


Sorry for adding to a growing list of pointless statements.  The difference with mine is that I have no ulterior motive.  I am not demanding anything unreasonable.  I'm just suggesting that maybe we can do a better job as supporters, just as we're expecting a better job from the manager, players and board.

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4 hours ago, craig said:



You are confusing the investment warranting having representation on the Board (which it probably should) with needing a fan on the Board for the fans voices to be heard - which is nonsense.


Seems you grabbed the wrong end of the stick and ran with it.

No I'm not Craig but it appeared to me that you were.



The fans voice doesn't need a fans rep on the Board of the club to be heard.

I apologise if I misunderstood what you were saying as it occurs to me that thats where the misunderstanding may lay here so I'll clarify. I do not consider Club1872 Limited or any of the other companies associated with it as either a fan or as a representative of a collection of fans. I was not talking about a fan representative on the board I was quite clearly talking about a Club1972 representative on the board and from that perspective. I guess that is where the picture becomes slightly less clear for some because the public perception is that it is a fan rep because it draws its finance from donations from fans. However it does not state anything like that in its literature. Instead it uses the wording 'be part of the generation that safeguards our great Club for all the future generations still to come'. I fail to see how any company could fulfil that remit/commitment without having a representative on the board of RIFC plc.


That doesn't not mean that fans cannot affect the board or the decisions that a board has to make. Yes I agree with you that fans can protest in all the ways you describe in the above post of that there is absolutely no doubt but I am not talking about fan representation at all and I feel its a mistake to look at Club1872 as fan representation by proxy.


EDIT: Oh almost forgot the only thing thats missing from the original statement is a chorus of... 'Will your anchor hold...' as they pass round the offer tray. 

Edited by Big Jaws
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