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Club Statement: Douglas Park Now Deputy Chairman

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  On 12/04/2018 at 13:56, colinstein said:

where does it suggest that and what issues are there between Robertson and the board ?


Where it says "The role of Deputy Chairman allows Douglas to assist the Club by providing an important local interaction between RIFC and the executive running the football club."


If there wasn't an issue at the moment then why would they do they need this? I obviously don't have a clue as to what the issues are.


  On 12/04/2018 at 13:58, rfb1872 said:

I read it more as king wanting to be less of a figurehead, and also a means to take quicker action should any issues arise that demand an urgent response, if king is unavailable or too remote


It's possible but that worries me and suggests that the Chairman has the power to make decisions unilaterally and not going with the majority of the RIFC board. Does DP now have the power to make decisions on his own?


However, it's possible that the Board can now have quick Skype meetings and make decisions without King being present, and in which case it's to be welcomed, but do they really need a Deputy Chairman to do that? They could be doing it already.


Either way, I don't see the appointment as being particularly significant.

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As I understand it the Parks with others have given all these soft loans that will be converted into shares when that day comes so he is probably just getting his feat under the table to keep an eye on his investment  .

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was Park responsible for hiring Pedro ?




Where it says "The role of Deputy Chairman allows Douglas to assist the Club by providing an important local interaction between RIFC and the executive running the football c


"local interaction".......sounds like King wants hands on representation rahter than remote

Edited by colinstein
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Not buisness minded at all, but I assume nothing will change on the grand scale of things? Park left the board due to ill health, now he is back in (albiet with another title) so I don’t have an issue with at all considering how much he has invested in us. 


Hopefully him being Deputy Chairman makes the rubber-stamping of big decisions alot easier with King being out the country? Like a new manager perhaps?

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