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Club1872 statement on media and politicians

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Spiers is a born liar and a Rangers hater.  He sums up a lot of the Scottish sports press.  They'll find any way they can to twist the knife into Scotland's most successful club.


Despite all that, we're still here and our crowds are magnificent regardless of our performances on the park.  That must really stick in their collective craw.  

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20 hours ago, ian1964 said:


Its not about the Rangers fans feelings or as Graham puts it their public perception. Its about accurate reporting. Attributing behaviours to a section of society when its clear from even the cursory of glances that these words did not come from a Rangers supporter or a Rangers supporters group but instead were uttered by a *flame* account set up precisely for this reason. Graham has nothing to offer hence the straw-man to justify any comment at all. He's a poor logician and an even worse journalist!

Edited by Big Jaws
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1 hour ago, Gonzo79 said:

Spiers is a born liar and a Rangers hater.  He sums up a lot of the Scottish sports press.  They'll find any way they can to twist the knife into Scotland's most successful club.


Despite all that, we're still here and our crowds are magnificent regardless of our performances on the park.  That must really stick in their collective craw.  

Spiers' obsession and loathing of all things Rangers seems to be a deep seated psychological issue with him. He just can't help himself and he cannot resist his urges to portray us in the worst possible light at every opportunity.  A psychiatrist somewhere / someday will open that door to his innermost demons. Good luck to the shrink!


Until Spiers can come to terms with those demons he is best ignored.  He is a journalist of the worst kind, Scotland it would seem has an abundance of these. He will do whatever it takes, usually repetition of lowest common denominator, stale, old, rhetoric (Sinn Fein are also masters of this technique), just to get another payday from an "employer" only happy enough to publish his pathetic anti-Rangers diatribe.

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Where is Odious Creep employed these days? I know he was bagged as a staffer at the London Times ages ago and came back to the Herald with his tail between his legs. Not that I read the Herald at all these days but didn't he scuttle off in solidarity with Angela Haggerty when Douglas Park threatened to sink the Friday motoring section by pulling ad monies?


No doubt he'll be freelancing somewhere, probably in PQ with English and the other beneficiaries of state sponsored nepotism.


Well done to C1872 - at least they're doing something constructive on our behalf where this guff is concerned.

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