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Club1872 statement on media and politicians

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Regards the OP, C1872 should be very wary indeed getting involved with the Holyrood SNP & their 'working party' regards sectarianism.


It is plainly obvious the SNP detest Rangers & its support because we're mostly a unionist club with a unionist support. And they use this to try & garner support from our rivals as can be seen from various articles & comments made by their plants in the media.


The OBFA failed because the ones who wanted it most at the outset turned out to be the worst offenders statistically. There is no doubt in my mind its replacement will again be targeted towards ourselves but with safeguards built in this time to protect others.

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Well he (Dornan) has made Twitter comments about Rangers.  The C1872 statement suggested two Scottish leaders have been contacted, so I'd assume the other politician is Labour...but not sure.


I was having a bit of a laugh mentioning you and the two other posters...it wasn't malicious.  I know Twitter is a hotbed of 'knowing the enemy' activity.

Edited by Gonzo79
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34 minutes ago, RANGERRAB said:

Regards the OP, C1872 should be very wary indeed getting involved with the Holyrood SNP & their 'working party' regards sectarianism.


It is plainly obvious the SNP detest Rangers & its support because we're mostly a unionist club with a unionist support. And they use this to try & garner support from our rivals as can be seen from various articles & comments made by their plants in the media.


The OBFA failed because the ones who wanted it most at the outset turned out to be the worst offenders statistically. There is no doubt in my mind its replacement will again be targeted towards ourselves but with safeguards built in this time to protect others.

That is why C1872 and other Rangers supporters organisations must be involved in this process, or they will have carte blanche to target us and the club and only us. We need to be in there fighting our corner, sometimes you have to sup with the Devlin, but use a long spoon.

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3 hours ago, BEARGER said:

Aye Dornan likes to get involved no doubt. Was it a twitter comment? He’s doing well no friends at Ibrox and hated at Parkhead by the GB etc.

I can think of one friend he's got at Ibrox...

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UPDATE on Blair Meikle Article in The Sun 

Dear member,

We wrote to you earlier today to advise that we had written to the Editor of the Scottish Sun, Alan Muir, seeking an explanation and retraction for a false story written by Blair Meikle which appeared online yesterday.

We can now update that we received a prompt response from The Sun and the story has been removed. We will continue dialogue with them on how it appeared to begin with and any further remedial action.

Club 1872

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6 hours ago, ian1964 said:


Surprise, surprise.........if there was a subject that would bring The Fraudulent Hack back to our attention after a welcome break, it was this.


The forces of darkness would seem to be stirring.

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On 11 April 2018 at 00:05, ian1964 said:


This is the sort of stuff C1872 should be addressing.


Spiers is trying to imply it is only Rangers who have a problem. Celtc have by far the greater problem with their support for militant Irish republicanism which amazingly Plod Scotland mostly continue to ignore


But he sees us as an easier target. 

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12 hours ago, RANGERRAB said:

This is the sort of stuff C1872 should be addressing.


Spiers is trying to imply it is only Rangers who have a problem. Celtc have by far the greater problem with their support for militant Irish republicanism which amazingly Plod Scotland mostly continue to ignore


But he sees us as an easier target. 

I disagree he sees us as an easy target. I would say we are the only target he wants to see. Part of that group of sharks who hate Rangers and swim around in the media waiting for a morsel of blue to frenzy on.

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