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SLO on Secondary Ticketing

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The "sold out" signs are up for Saturday.

However it is pretty certain that -like the Killie game- there will be loads of empty seats due to many ST holders not attending.

If ST holders know they are not gong to ge there on Saturday please can you make your seats available via Secondary Ticketing.

We only have around 4,000 matchday tickets to sell for each game, so the number of tickets available to bears who want to attend now and again is small. 

Releasing seats via secondary Ticketing helps bears who want to attend. 
I've known a few bears who want to go along on Saturday but can't get a ticket at the moment and that's frustrating, knowing there could be a few thousand unused seats on the day. 

Ok, the 'financial incentive' may not be great but it's less about the money and more about giving the opportunity for fellow bears to attend and help them out.

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Some of the issue with secondary ticketing is that it is, predominantly, done online - and not all bears go online.  I have used it a couple of times for the wife and son this season and it works just fine - but as I say, many bears wont even know about the optionality of secondary ticketing, or how to do it.

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While our team is pretty average (trying to be polite here!) and we are selling out every single home match, the question needs to be raised as to what the board are doing regarding an increase in capacity to accommodate all these other bears that want to come but cant. Imagine how many more occasional bears would be wanting to come if we had a decent team playing decent football and challenging for the title?


I suppose this follows on from the safe standing question, in that why are we considering this when we should be looking at stadium redevelopment to increase capacity. 


I know the costs for this will be massive, but I am quite sure if the board came out with bonds or a different type of share issue just to cover the cost of an increase in capacity I am sure it would be well supported by bears who would love to invest in getting our capacity to over 60,000 and be the biggest stadium in Glasgow as well as already being the best.

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I do not know how many tickets are available(on average) reference this particular category; is it too hard to have a single window open at our modular build facility of a ticket office, pre-game for a few hours to facilitate the matter?

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3 hours ago, forlanssister said:

Just looked online and it appears I currently have more for sale than Rangers :seal:

I was going to ask to buy one of yours for the mother-in-law - but my Rangers contact came through for me this time - I should probably still have got yours Billy, especially if in same section as last time as that would put the in-law close to the Mrs and kid.  Oh well, never refuse a freebie :D

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3 hours ago, Tannochsidebear said:

While our team is pretty average (trying to be polite here!) and we are selling out every single home match, the question needs to be raised as to what the board are doing regarding an increase in capacity to accommodate all these other bears that want to come but cant. Imagine how many more occasional bears would be wanting to come if we had a decent team playing decent football and challenging for the title?


I suppose this follows on from the safe standing question, in that why are we considering this when we should be looking at stadium redevelopment to increase capacity. 


I know the costs for this will be massive, but I am quite sure if the board came out with bonds or a different type of share issue just to cover the cost of an increase in capacity I am sure it would be well supported by bears who would love to invest in getting our capacity to over 60,000 and be the biggest stadium in Glasgow as well as already being the best.

Bears have been burnt once before on bonds.  They may not be as keen a second time around.


That said, if any fanbase would be prepared to do it then it would be ours.  The costs are far greater than we can accommodate right now - but, as you say, no harm in doing a feasibility study and sounding out the fanbase.

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3 hours ago, 26th of foot said:

I do not know how many tickets are available(on average) reference this particular category; is it too hard to have a single window open at our modular build facility of a ticket office, pre-game for a few hours to facilitate the matter?

It would only work if ST holders informed the club beforehand that they weren't going to be attending - I think that is the bigger issue rather than being able to go and get the tickets.

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3 hours ago, Tannochsidebear said:

While our team is pretty average (trying to be polite here!) and we are selling out every single home match, the question needs to be raised as to what the board are doing regarding an increase in capacity to accommodate all these other bears that want to come but cant. 

Giving the yahoos a smaller allocation would be a good start.

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