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Rangers Legends Game Is On Rangers TV

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I thoroughly enjoyed that game.  I love seeing the older players back again, and I was surprised at myself for feeling pleased at McCoist getting his hat trick.  Maybe afterall, I do still think of him fondly for all he did for us.


What a marvellous opportunity for some of the young players to play with these guys.  Mols, Buffel, Seb, and Mendes can all still do a job, and Waterreus could be our backup goalie still.  He hasn't changed a bit.  Barry Ferguson and Albertz hasn't changed much either.  I was just willing Albertz to score one of his trademark shots and he came close twice.


Roberts and McCoist have been enjoying life a bit too much.  They looked huge from what I could see, and when they say a player covered every inch of the field, Roberts' belly nearly did.


It was great fun, although I get quite emotional when I see the players with Fernando.  It was so obvious they are all still close and they feel for him.  Great day.  Great cause.  Some great memories came flooding back too when I saw the players.

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22 minutes ago, Rousseau said:

He still does play. 


I think he's captain of Genk?

He was shopping with his wife on Buchanan st at half 1 on Saturday morning as well , tiny little fella , but very nice to talk to .

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