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Club 1872 meeting with Dave King

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3 hours ago, Gaffer said:

The issue with the PR and media is important, but we don't need a seat on the board to address that.  We need to lobby the board, present a proposal to fix it and perhaps even offer to fund it in part.

There are lots of important issues that don't require a seat on the board to be addressed. In fact a seat on the board and the fiduciary responsibilities that come with it might necessarily inhibit rather than strengthen the supporter voice.


The present strategy has always looked fragile and should be seriously reappraised. The difficulty will be retaining membership and goodwill while changing horses in midstream.

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Maybe if we had a voice in the boardroom some of the things that seem to matter to the ordinary supporter could get raised ?

The constant drip drip of lies and rumours against our club and  the Rangers-bad-sellik-good  agenda being shovelled for the past few years may be looked at ?

I don't know about anybody else here but my money isn't put in so our youth team can get warm showers. 

I want some fucking action taken to back me up against the crime of being a Rangers supporter.

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7 hours ago, boabie said:

Maybe if we had a voice in the boardroom some of the things that seem to matter to the ordinary supporter could get raised ?

The constant drip drip of lies and rumours against our club and  the Rangers-bad-sellik-good  agenda being shovelled for the past few years may be looked at ?

I don't know about anybody else here but my money isn't put in so our youth team can get warm showers. 

I want some fucking action taken to back me up against the crime of being a Rangers supporter.

You'd hope, as a major shareholder, Club1872 could raise things that matter to the ordinary supporter.  


I think most Bears agree about the poor press we get.  I'd like the club and/or C1872 to advise fans not to buy the Sun or the Record, for starters.  


Re: action taken to back you up as a Rangers supporter - we have problems all around in that regard.  The board seem fairly uninterested, we struggle to agree on anything (Dave King, safe standing, Tim allocation at Ibrox and there are hundreds of other things) which makes it easy for our enemies and then you have the press, the Police and our lovely SNP, who can't wait to have a pop at us.  Where the Hell do we start?

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3 minutes ago, compo said:

I have a lot of shares in Marks & Spencer do you think they would want me on the board of course not I like club 1872 is just an investor .

A football club is not the same as a retail company.  Obviously, from a business point of view, there have to be similar traits but the comparison isn't very fair on people who have spent their whole lives supporting and funding a football club that they love.

Apologies to anyone who loves and supports M&S, by the way.  

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8 hours ago, boabie said:

Maybe if we had a voice in the boardroom some of the things that seem to matter to the ordinary supporter could get raised ?

The constant drip drip of lies and rumours against our club and  the Rangers-bad-sellik-good  agenda being shovelled for the past few years may be looked at ?

I don't know about anybody else here but my money isn't put in so our youth team can get warm showers. 

I want some fucking action taken to back me up against the crime of being a Rangers supporter.

We don't need the board for this though.  This is definitely an issue that all fans want addressed, and it's exactly the type of issue that we can deal with, without any consultation with, or approval from, the board.  I'd suggest however that it would be prudent to speak with the football board before we took action, but if we received a weak response, we could just press ahead (if you pardon the pun).


I would welcome an official statement from Club 1872 highlighting the reporting inaccuracies (or just call them lies), and that after careful consideration we have decided to take action in recommending that no fans purchase newspapers or advertising with the offending rags.  We could equally bring the BBC into it too.  This would require a campaign rather than a one off statement.


If this was done sensibly, the support would get behind Club 1872 more because it would have demonstrated for the first time (possibly?) that it's an action oriented organisation.  And you never know, it might also make the football club's board respect us a little more if they see we can get things done.

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Reading the recent comments, everyone makes valid points. Bill has a point in that, hypothetically speaking, were a Club1872 representative co-opted on to the club's board the organisation's ability to address media imbalance could be seriously blunted going forward due to obligations to the club by way of divulging operating strategies and processes. Similarly, Gaffer has a point in that we don't necessarily require board representation to at least embark upon a campaign of redressing the balance of media bias.


Up until fairly recently 'the fans' have had public representatives in the media. Craig Houston did his bit to highlight the issues with the previous regime. Chris Graham had a good go at challenging the likes of Odious Creep on tv and radio. And before him, David Edgar and to a lesser extent Mark Dingwall offered a voice on a range of topics.


This presence has been largely missing since the current board assumed the reins.


Club1872 to be fair, have issued a number of releases re press inaccuracies on their website but unfortunately these haven't really received public exposure for a multitude of reasons.


The various stresses of being a public spokesperson have taken their toll on the guys mentioned above. Perhaps it's time for a group of spokespersons to be more visual in the public eye. Done in concert with guidance from established PR providers and a secondary form of media legal advice, it would offer some respite from the incessant attacks on our support.


Let's be honest, the Club and its PR can only do so much.

Edited by Soulsonic5791
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23 minutes ago, compo said:

I have a lot of shares in Marks & Spencer do you think they would want me on the board of course not I like club 1872 is just an investor .

If you had enough shares in M&S to make your voice be heard, and you felt the board were being incompetent with the business structure, stock and staffing levels impacting on sales. Therefore also heavily destabilising your shares value, you wouldn't complain or do anything to get a better chairman in, or get someone who can turn the business round?  Bare in mind M&S has gone through several chairman in the last decade.


If you have enough shares in any company you can flex your muscles for change, it happens often in the business world, especially with large fund management companies letting their presence being felt. Well C1872 can do  that on a smaller scale and i would say maybe they should let their presence be felt, in a constructive way of course.

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9 minutes ago, aweebluesoandso said:

If you had enough shares in M&S to make your voice be heard, and you felt the board were being incompetent with the business structure, stock and staffing levels impacting on sales. Therefore also heavily destabilising your shares value, you wouldn't complain or do anything to get a better chairman in, or get someone who can turn the business round?  Bare in mind M&S has gone through several chairman in the last decade.


If you have enough shares in any company you can flex your muscles for change, it happens often in the business world, especially with large fund management companies letting their presence being felt. Well C1872 can do  that on a smaller scale and i would say maybe they should let their presence be felt, in a constructive way of course.

Correct me if I'm wrong here but can Club 1872 do this flexing effectively since it was more or less brought under the auspices of the Club?


I'm probably wrong here, but I see Club 1872 and the Club as more or less the same thing.

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4 minutes ago, Soulsonic5791 said:

Correct me if I'm wrong here but can Club 1872 do this flexing effectively since it was more or less brought under the auspices of the Club?


I'm probably wrong here, but I see Club 1872 and the Club as more or less the same thing.

As far as i'm aware their 10.5% shareholding entitles them to call an EGM and put forward resolutions? Maybe Bluedell can confirm>

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