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The Anti Rangers SNP

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4 hours ago, barca72 said:

I looked for but could not find any complaints about the UB march from Rangers FC, Club1872, PoliceScotland or anyone else connected to the club.
Does that mean that said organizations are satisfied that the club's reputation has not been sullied in any way by this UB march? Good.
I was getting worried that anyone wearing a face covering on the way to the match would cause the club's image to be tarnished. I mean, what will be next to be criticised, the niqab?



Club1872, Rangers FC and Police Scotland don't live in the real world.  


I saw a woman in a Niqab at a bus stop yesterday and I ran away, thinking she was dressed as a Provo.  Fortunately, a passer by got hold of me and gave me a shot of morphine*.



*Must be true as this is the internet.

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1 hour ago, Gonzo79 said:


You care more than me and every single person I know.  You know more about the real world than me.  I'm out of touch with reality.  The internet is more real than real life.


I get it.  Now you've taught me so much you can calm down.  





I have never been anything other than calm.  That's something else you apparently need to learn. But to be typical it's a typical non comment I have been seeing on the internet for over 20 years. Another text book example of talking and saying nothing.

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Your posts on here suggest you are quite worked up about the march.  No one I've met who attended the match has even mentioned it.  


You seem to base a lot of your outlook from things you read online.  That's unwise, in my opinion (I've done it myself and then learned that it's usually a lot of empty bluster).  

Edited by Gonzo79
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I'd welcome anyone to Ibrox to support The Rangers, whatever their political persuasion, creed, colour, class, sexuality, religion or anything else, we're a broad church that does not have to fit with anyone's identikit vision of a Bear. And to be quite honest, my decision on the ballot paper is very rarely, if ever, influenced by my sporting allegiance.


Each to their own.

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10 hours ago, Big Jaws said:

I agree with you Gaffer politics should be reserved to the Bluenose lounge. Most of the stuff I have read in this thread is absolute shite. 



Richard Gough the Rangers and Scottish captain was born in Stockholm Sweeden and grew up in South Africa which means he's not British but has chosen to represent Scotland and indeed regards himself as Scottish. 

Well if he regards himself as Scottish, then by default, he is British. I don’t see how this is difficult for some to understand.

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10 hours ago, Unicorn said:

Ha, I was at the game and wouldn’t have even known this march happened if it wasn’t for message boards.


I’m a unionist and I don’t like the SNP but it riles me when people view politics down football lines, people on this thread are just stopping short of saying you’re not a real Rangers fan if you vote for them (and categorically saying it on other message boards).  I hope you’re right when saying the Internet rarely reflects the real world.

I do tend to agree with this point in general but it is hard to argue against when there is a constant stream of attack on the club from SNP MPs.

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10 hours ago, forlanssister said:

Anybody ever seen an SNP MP or MSP out themselves as a Rangers fan?


They view us as one of the last remaining pillars of Unionism in Scotland and as is their raison d'etre want to knock us down.

I wholeheartedly agree with this.


I honestly think they are behind the massive shift in the way we are reported on and presented to the general public.

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Such an interesting point about behaving one way on the internet and another way in a face to face encounter.


I mean if each person who criticised the Union Bears online would turn up to a match and deliver this criticism face to face then perhaps things would be different.



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10 hours ago, Gaffer said:

I might be biased here, but I like to think that Rangers supporting politicians (of which there are many) are smart enough to know that football and politics don't mix and therefore don't talk about it on twitter, etc.  There are idiots in all parties.  There are Rangers supporters in all parties.  There are Celtic supporters in all parties.  There are Unionists that have voted SNP (that's why we don't have independence).  If we looked at who our support voted for you'd find that it was very representative of the overall votes for parties.  Why?  Because our support comprises people from many walks of life in this country and beyond.


As I've said before, we've got enough problems trying to agree on what our best 11 should be on the park, or who our manager should be.  The last thing we need is further divisions by introducing politics into it.  Furthermore, politics can be so bloody boring compared to football.  Let's get back to the fun and important stuff shall we?!?

Did you see the reasonably recent poll on MSPs and their footballing preference? Strangely enough there were hardly any Rangers fans. So two serious questions need to be asked -


a) if there are a ‘normal’ distribution of Rangers fans compared to other teams then why are they hiding that fact? There must be a reason that a politician can’t say they support Rangers, or


b) there are less Rangers fans representativen of other football teams. What is the reason for this? Are those with “Rangers backgrounds” being held back, and why?


either way, it’s a very serious and potentially dangerous point.

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