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More fan trouble

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42 minutes ago, StuGers said:

I note it’s “football” fans again. It is Celtic scum fighting amongst themselves as usual.

I saw another report last evening of a internecine Yahoo scrap in Dumbarton, that involved hospitalisation of a stab victim. Again, it does NOT report it was Yahoo on Yahoo, the emphasis on another Sellik supporter being knifed.


I conclude that the usual suspects have written the vast majority of supporter peripheral issues before the game kicks-off. When events unfurl with Russell Martin, the Govan Arms again, the Saltmarket green on green affray, ...... etc, we are already behind the curve, the momentum is heading elsewhere.


I have cited no one charged or convicted of assault of Rangers players/staff at the Scottish Cup final 2016, no one convicted of effigies being hung by the neck from the roof of the North Stand at ra Stydome(three charged, two have already had their season tickets returned), no one convicted in the fraudulent take-over of our club, .... etc. The Offensive Behaviour at Football Act was the wrong tool, it illuminated two sides of the problem, and that is both awkward and inconvenient. The stats quoted for the three incidences above(and there are many more), prove they did NOT occur.

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4 hours ago, 26th of foot said:

I saw another report last evening of a internecine Yahoo scrap in Dumbarton, that involved hospitalisation of a stab victim. Again, it does NOT report it was Yahoo on Yahoo, the emphasis on another Sellik supporter being knifed.


I conclude that the usual suspects have written the vast majority of supporter peripheral issues before the game kicks-off. When events unfurl with Russell Martin, the Govan Arms again, the Saltmarket green on green affray, ...... etc, we are already behind the curve, the momentum is heading elsewhere.


I have cited no one charged or convicted of assault of Rangers players/staff at the Scottish Cup final 2016, no one convicted of effigies being hung by the neck from the roof of the North Stand at ra Stydome(three charged, two have already had their season tickets returned), no one convicted in the fraudulent take-over of our club, .... etc. The Offensive Behaviour at Football Act was the wrong tool, it illuminated two sides of the problem, and that is both awkward and inconvenient. The stats quoted for the three incidences above(and there are many more), prove they did NOT occur.

There is a blatant agenda in Scotland just now. Common decency is going right out the window in favour of partisan reporting. It really is a dangerous situation that’s brewing, especially amongst the “underclass” who seem to be more vulnerable to lapping up the red-tops and Twitter fake news.

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