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Mark Walters: Four Lads Had A Dream

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I was very similar to the author of this.  Walters was my type of player and I loved watching him.  I remember him turning defenders inside out and being able to get a good cross in even when it looked impossible.  But what I remember most was that he always seemed to play with a smile.  There was one move he did a few times, but I remember it vividly in a game against Hearts.  Our goalie kicked it out (can't remember who it was) and Walters took it in one touch facing our own goal, spun around while nut megging the Hearts player, and then ran in on goal.  I don't think he scored but it was a terrific piece of skill and it's funny how things like that stick in your mind.  Even when you watched him in slow motion, it was hard to tell what his feet were doing.  Absolutely cracking player!!!

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I was 8 when we signed him and instantly liked him and the way he played.  His reaction to events at the Piggery show what a good guy he is - no attempt to play the victim, just a dignified shrug of the shoulders and rising above it.  


I remember being very disappointed when he signed for Liverpool. 

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Walters made his Rangers debut on 2 January 1988 in the Old Firm derby match with Celtic at Parkhead, a game which Rangers lost 2–0. Some Celtic supporters racially abused Walters throughout the match and threw hundreds of bananas on to the playing surface. At one point, the game had to be stopped so the fruit could be cleared off the pitch.


The Scottish Football Association remained silent, and no Celtic supporters were arrested or ejected by stewards or police.


Edited by JFK-1
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If I remember correctly, he got his own back on their club on the field many times.  I just wish we had held on to him for longer because he was class.  I can remember their behaviour with bananas but it just seemed to motivate him and the rest of the team further because he went on to do well after that.

Edited by Gaffer
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