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League Cup Final Arsenal v Man City

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I think Man City could batter Arsenal today by 3 or 4. A lot saying Arsenals recent record at Wembley could see them through but I think Man City will turn it on big time today.


Obviously hoping Arsenal win but they are patching a team together. Losing Giroud, Walcott and Ox has left Arsenal short in depth and they havent replaced them.


In the bigger game of the day it would be good to see Conte rock up and win at Old Trafford.

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Can't stand Abu Dhabi Town, and would usually wish them beaten, but it's Arsenal, which is a pain in the neck Club. 

The question is: which team, in defeat, will provide greater amusement?

That's probably Arsenal, but nah, I can't back the Gulf vanity project. 


A plague on bothe their houses. 

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7 minutes ago, Gribz said:

Why would you want that in the first place?


Bizarre. Almost minded like they are.

Odd thing to say.  I'm sick of being level on points with Aberdeen.  I'l also sick of being behind the scum but nothing can fix that today.  



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