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Livingston v Dundee Utd - Live on BBC Alba tonight

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1 hour ago, pete said:

I didn't forget anything and I am perfectly aware of the social climate. Not every Catholic is a bad person.You sound as if every Catholic walks about with a machine gun and a tin of spray paint. It may be that where you live but the people I know and respect are a million miles away from that. Every day there are catholic Celtic supporting doctors and nurses saving protestant Rangers supporters lives. Yes there are idiots but i think you will find them in the minority. Apart from that I said I wish the hatred would stop and that would obviously need to be from all sides.

He never mentioned Catholics in his post so not sure why so many references to Catholics in yours

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1 hour ago, Gonzo79 said:

Tims put me in hospital a couple of years ago, so I hope you'll excuse my response to your comment.  


I watched about 30 seconds of the game on bbc Alba but find it hard to get very interested.

So every tim in the world is to blame. My son was seconds away from death. I couldn't give a shit what religion or creed the doctor was. I hope that day never comes to you but if it does don't forget to ask the doctor if he is a catholic or not before he operates.

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Doctors are there to do their job.  Just like a shop assistant or a parking attendant.  Religion is irrelevant.  


We're talking about Tims here anyway.  Often, the ones from decent stock are the most rabid.


F*ck them all, I say.  

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