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7 minutes ago, Bill said:

There was me thinking you said "all humans". Oh, so you did.


All humans are fallible.


What Pol Pot, Hitler, Stalin and HiroHito are guilty of is a bit more complicated than simple human fallibility.  





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Only the pope is infallible (at least since the 1870s or thereabouts).


He did not play for The Rangers (none of them have done, strangely enough, but there is time); however he might get a sherricking should he turn up. 

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1 hour ago, Uilleam said:

Only the pope is infallible (at least since the 1870s or thereabouts).


He did not play for The Rangers (none of them have done, strangely enough, but there is time); however he might get a sherricking should he turn up. 

We should have signed Ratzinger when he became a free agent.  We could have done with a good right winger at the time.

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8 minutes ago, Yorkie Bear said:

I'm not really bothered if they are booed or not. What i don't understand is explayers being applauded. I could not believe it when Boyd was applauded at the last Kilmarnock game at Ibrox.

I agree that we shouldn't acknowledge average players like those mentioned on here, but I would still applaud Laudrup or Gazza if they returned to Ibrox.  The difference is that they deserve it.

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25 minutes ago, Unicorn said:

We should have signed Ratzinger when he became a free agent.  We could have done with a good right winger at the time.

Curiously, the current incumbent, Frankie (who, I am advised on the highest authority, took his papal name from no less a luminary than the charge hand on this very forum ) seems to have had some murky associations with the charmless, but far from harmless, military junta, and its agents, in 1980s Argentina. Another right winger providing continuity of immaculate crossing from the No 7 berth really ought to have been considered.


Also worth noting is that JP2, the Polish cleric who replaced JP1, the pontiff who died in very mysterious circumstances after a few short weeks on the throne, was actually, in his youth, a goalkeeper. Now, if there is one position in the team where you would want infallibility, it is between the sticks. Unfortunately, this papal flawlessness only seems to descend and become apparent, if such it does - I remain unsure-  once the guy is installed in Rome, and thereafter is too busy to demonstrate his unerring abilities on the field of play. 


Of course, Dick Advocaat signed a player called Giovanni van Bronckhorst, who was, as I pointed out at the time, named after 23 popes. Not actually the real thing, but it  might be the closest we will ever get to having our very own pontifex maximus, on the pitch, and, these days, helping the Club off it, by building  much trumpeted bridges with the lesser lights of Scottish fitba'.



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Booing players you don't like is one of the great things about football. Hurling vitriol at fit, talented, rich, gifted young men is one of the many pleasures football offers. In every other walk of life these people are feted and adored, so I find it therapeutic to denigrate their morals, personality and ability whenever I feel like it. The gradual sanitising of football attendance thankfully hasn't yet reached booing opposition players, and that's a good thing. As an overweight, balding, middle-aged talentless nobody I take solace in sometimes being able to shout abuse at my clear opposites. 


That being said I still have a soft spot for Naismith. I loved him when he played for us and have long forgiven him for what he said when he left. I hope he plays well for Hearts in the coming months, proves his fitness and form and we resign him in the summer actually. However.... he's an annoying wee bastard on the pitch. He noises up defenders, commits sneaky fouls, chats away to the referee and is a general pain in the arse to the opposition and for that reason and for that reason alone he may well experience some abuse and 90 minute hatred. 

Edited by JohnMc
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