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Peter Lawwell slams SFA ...

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'What is the actual purpose of the SFA and how does that relate to the SPFL and the clubs'


did Liewell actually say that ?


any journalist or broadcaster worth his salt would have wiped the floor with him for saying that. He doesn't know the purpose of the SFA ? Or how it relates to the SPFL who are the company who run the professional leagues ?


He's sat on how many committees & boards at both ? Did he not wonder why he was there & what its purpose was ? What about the other patsys  on these boards & committees ? What was their input, if any at all ?


no wonder Scottish football's in the state it is. No wonder we get TV deals worth peanuts & no one wants to sponsor Scottish football except betting companies. 

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Love him or loath him he sems to do a good job for his employers  we need this type of person at Rangers after all the monkey's always seem to do well in the transfer  market where we seem to let players go to cheap. 

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We can be skeptical of his motives and history, but I actually agree with Lawwell on this one.  


The fact that Rod "exhuberance" Petrie didn't resign in shame after the 2016 cup final, tells you all that you need to about the standard of governance at the SFA.   And don't get me started on the routine shambles that Regan presided over.

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Lawwell was, for years, on the inside of the SFA pissing out; now he is on the outside and endeavouring to piss in.


The things he criticises, now, are things he did nowt to change when in a position to do so.


In any event, what the neaty eyed fucker wants -only and ever- is what benefits sodom and begorrah football club. 

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I wonder if Liewell is getting a bit worried now his patsy & ex-Coors buddy Regan has gone. 


He might not be able to influence things as he did previously. And he may need all the friends he can get at the SFA as there's one or two issues in the pipeline which could adversely affect his club.


However I'm sure he's still got the hapless Petrie under his wing. But for how long at the omni-shambles that is the SFA ?

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14 hours ago, RANGERRAB said:

I wonder if Liewell is getting a bit worried now his patsy & ex-Coors buddy Regan has gone. 


He might not be able to influence things as he did previously. And he may need all the friends he can get at the SFA as there's one or two issues in the pipeline which could adversely affect his club.


However I'm sure he's still got the hapless Petrie under his wing. But for how long at the omni-shambles that is the SFA ?

On this particular issue Rab I have noticed something over the last few months. I listen to snyde phone in as I’m usually out and about. Father Keevins has binned all the “don’t sell our top players guff” and has been shamelessly promoting the sale of dembelle and tierney for as much as they can get. I have a feeling that all is not what it seems over at the mhank dome? Time will tell.

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On 13 February 2018 at 11:20, cooponthewing said:

On this particular issue Rab I have noticed something over the last few months. I listen to snyde phone in as I’m usually out and about. Father Keevins has binned all the “don’t sell our top players guff” and has been shamelessly promoting the sale of dembelle and tierney for as much as they can get. I have a feeling that all is not what it seems over at the mhank dome? Time will tell.

You have heard the rumours about the giro dome ?

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12 hours ago, RANGERRAB said:

You have heard the rumours about the giro dome ?

I have heard the rumours about their stands. I suspect similar to what you have heard Rab (especially the main stand). I have nothing concrete on anything else something just dosnt feel right? They are desperate for money and even their own are now questioning where all their money has gone?

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