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Pacific Quay Musings?

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7 minutes ago, 26th of foot said:

At the culmination of season'97-98, ra Sellik stopped Rangers attempt at ten-in-a-row. Vim Jansen's men triumphed at home in the last fixture against St Johnstone. Jim White was working the game for STV/Radio Clyde. He left the ground ninety minutes after the game ended. He drove from the car park, down Kerrydale Street and gave way at London Road. His car was surrounded by Yahoos, they rocked the car, forced opened his driver's door, dragged him out and assaulted him. He was given medical emergency on scene treatment, taken to A and E by ambulance, and detained for two nights due to concussion caused by several blows to the head.


The Police discontinued investigation into the communal assault due to a lack of forth coming evidence, very few witnesses, no one identified.


Maybe, Jim has reasons to be wanting to be seen to bend over backwards towards ra Sellik?  

In effect battered into subjugation.

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Should there be a Talksport Musings thread? It’s not the rich vein that PQ is. Brazil is a sellick man and makes no attempt to hide it but he’s not unfair. White purports to be neutral and effusively praises celtic to prove it. I don’t think he’s been turned. His problem is hysteria which I doubt is curable.

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48 minutes ago, 26th of foot said:

At the culmination of season'97-98, ra Sellik stopped Rangers attempt at ten-in-a-row. Vim Jansen's men triumphed at home in the last fixture against St Johnstone. Jim White was working the game for STV/Radio Clyde. He left the ground ninety minutes after the game ended. He drove from the car park, down Kerrydale Street and gave way at London Road. His car was surrounded by Yahoos, they rocked the car, forced opened his driver's door, dragged him out and assaulted him. He was given medical emergency on scene treatment, taken to A and E by ambulance, and detained for two nights due to concussion caused by several blows to the head.


The Police discontinued investigation into the communal assault due to a lack of forth coming evidence, very few witnesses, no one identified.


Maybe, Jim has reasons to be wanting to be seen to bend over backwards towards ra Sellik?  

Is that true? My god, that's quite staggering as he never let's up about their fans being amazing. He was talking about Seville the other day for example. It was vomit enducing stuff

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5 hours ago, gaspard said:

It has been clearly explained in this thread that the BBC are not banned from Ibrox or the Hummel, one individual has had his press privileges withdrawn.


If anybody thinks that some type of truce and reconciliation, without a complete climb-down from us, can be negotiated with the BBC they are deluding themselves.


The BBC has many faults but in one aspect of their business they are always consistent.   




Our dear old Auntie Beeb is never wrong, whether at PQ or Broadcasting house.


Just look at their recent stance regarding the Cliff Richard disgrace, despite universal condemnation of their actions they never once admitted that they did anything wrong, no contrition, no apologies just unwavering defiance and feeble attempts at justification of their untenable position, all legal expenses paid for with our licence fees of course.


Remember their coverage of Her Majesties Jubilee in 2012? They received thousands of complaints, their reaction was to state they were very proud of their coverage and in the face of a barrage of disapproval Mark Thompson said "Our output has been impressive not only in its scale, but in its ambition, quality and outstanding journalism,"


Ever listen or watch any of the numerous BBC “have your say” shows?

Points of View, Newswatch, Radio 4 Feedback etc. I do and despite numerous very valid points and criticisms from the folks who pay their wages, I have never once heard any of the invited producers admit to a mistake, error of judgement or even a scheduling blunder.


Infallibility is BBC policy


Ever tried writing a complaint? I have, years ago I flicked on to a BBC gardening show, think it was Home front in the Garden, and there they were ripping-up and re-landscaping Declan’s back yard in Dublin.

I wrote asking them a few things, how much did it cost to refurbish his garden? How was Declan chosen as a recipient of my licence fee pounds? Was Declan a BBC licence fee payer? And were there no British gardens worthy of a make-over, as I could easily supply the details of numerous pensioners who could do with a help?

Wish I’d kept their response instead of ripping it up in a temper tantrum, but it was the epitome of condescension, it was none of my business how much it cost or if Declan was a licence fee payer and anyway the popularity of the program overrides any criticism of performing free garden make-overs for foreigners.

(Incidentally the following week the team were in South Africa weeding Nelsons Mandela’s carrots for him)


Oldies like myself have fond memories of BBC radio coverage and it would be wonderful to return to the days of Crampsey & Alexander or even Archie Weetabix dropping in random words from his well-thumbed lexicon.


But what would a RFC / BBC reunion bring us today?


Spence, McLaughlin, Gordon, Idessane and a kind word from Cosgrove and Cowan?


All thing considered I think I’ll pass, maybe Declan will tune in from his gazeebo in Dublin.

Well put.


As I mentioned earlier, how high up does it go? Where does the agenda come from - Scotland or England? Is it coincidental that mindsets changed after Mark Thompson became DG?


How have our allies become marginalised within the organisation in Scotland? 


I have my own theories on the above but would really like some info from someone on the inside to provide some insight.


As Gaspard says, there is as much chance of a BBC climbdown as I have of picking six numbers correctly this saturday night.

Edited by Soulsonic5791
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17 hours ago, craig said:

he isn't banned from Ibrox.  If that isn't what you mean then you should perhaps be more specific

I clarified in my response that I meant banned from press conferences


17 hours ago, craig said:

BBC could have sent a different reporter and journalistic freedom remains, simple

No journalist would agree with that though, as I said a few pages back you only have to read about the Kaitlan Collins controversy to see that all journalists will always view a ban on a journalist attending press conference as a violation of the rights of the press.


We're going round in circles, but for me the bottom line is we need to deal with the problem of unfair coverage in a way which doesn't mean we don't get any coverage at all. It's detrimental to the club and the fans.


Edited by DMAA
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