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Pacific Quay Musings?

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I’ll start by saying I quite enjoy reading the original posts in this topic, not so much the predictable secondary qualifiers from the usual “commentators”. Also, I wouldn’t dream of telling anyone else what to read, they’d pay no attention to me anyway. 


But, that said, surely the point has been made many times over after more than 1000 posts. I’m guessing everyone gets it by this time ..... the BBC in Scotland is rabidly anti-Rangers and flaunts its bigotry with confidence and  impunity. 


What is it about the next 1000 posts that’s likely to add to what’s already been said?

Edited by Bill
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4 hours ago, Scott7 said:
“What is it about the next 1000 posts that’s likely to add to what’s already been said?” - Bill.


I see what you’re getting at, Bill, but I rather enjoy 26th’s critiques.

As do I, which is why I expressly said I did. If the objective is simply to entertain then that's one thing but if it's to educate or mobilise then there must come a point where anyone still unconvinced is either too stupid to worry about or are 'at it'.

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Last evening, BBC Radio Scotland was hosted by Dandy Don, Liam McLeod. There are enough Dandies at BBC Radio Scotland to have a different Dandy hosting every night of the week. It also means that when something inconvenient arrives reference the Dons, you can ignore the embarrassment, until the necessary presentation is available. Liam preferred to lead a discussion on the trials of Kyle Lafferty and the rightful evocation of the FIFA ruling that denies Rangers playing the striker this coming Sunday. Oh, the effort being put into faux concern!


The cloud of inconvenience arrived yesterday morning when we heard the SPFL had written to Aberdeen reference the number of tickets Aberdeen had sold for the semi-final of the League Cup. The hard rain fell when Aberdeen owned up to selling tickets either side of the larger Rangers support allocation, deliberately to deny any returned tickets being passed on to waiting Bears. No Siree Bob, Liam had his red and white brolly covering his conscience, ensuring the run off drenched Lafferty and Rangers.


Aberdeen have sold 9,000 tickets from a 20,000 allocation that they screamed hard to secure. BBC Scotland led the screams. Despite hard marketing, Aberdeen sold a further 100 tickets today. The SPFL have forced Aberdeen to comply, awarded a block in the South Stand to move those Dandies that have already been allocated tickets for the North Stand. Further, Aberdeen are reduced to selling further tickets by blocks attached to their Sellik end allocation. 


The weight of inconvenience is such, that the Dandies at PQ lost their discipline this afternoon. The presentation agreed, they utilised the BBC Scotland web page to state, "Aberdeen sell just 9,000 League Cup tickets, despite protests". There are several paragraphs of accompanying explanation. A photograph is included showing the red and white army holding a banner depicting Dandy Don, Shinnie arm aloft holding the head of Rangers player, Ryan Jack. The strap line on the banner states, "red or dead".


It was the BBC Scotland message for an hour, it has been changed to a picture of fans waving two flags containing the Aberdeen club crest. It was an honest mistake, and neither Big Dick, Liam McLeod, Jonathon Sutherland, Rob McLean, Jeff Webster, Charlie Mann, ...... etc will discuss this shameful slight. The Torry lad, Ryan Jack will receive neither apology, nor explanation.


It's where they're at, sullen invective. 

Edited by 26th of foot
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Well done 26th for having the persistence to point this out.  You do a top job and although I've no idea how you ever muster enough energy to keep this up, your efforts are appreciated.  As for this disgusting banner, it's yet again an instance of blatant bias.

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As BBC Scotland issue a third apology to Rangers/Rangers supporters this calendar year, the air of change renders the airwaves? Nah, the Autumn week school holidays sees a number of Presenters/Journos with young families head off, and a raft of trialists are given a run-out. The knock-on effect of McLaughlin's promotion to Correspondent on BBC Scotland's new second channel, means opportunities for climbing the PQ greasy pole.  Assistance from those standing atop that very pole for quarter of a century is to be expected, putting a word in for your mate, is how it works. For the third week in a row, DrStu' has been allowed to promote his fellow nationalist traveler, Michael Stewart; whilst targeting the last Rangers supporting staffer, Kenny McIntyre. DrStu' likes a cleansing and portraying McIntyre as both staunch and rabid each week will have the desired effect. Last week, Michael Stewart presented midweek Sportsound on a couple of occasions, whilst McIntyre was off on a family holiday.


Another trial presenter of midweek Sportsound was, Scott McDonald. Further, the Australian Bhoy trialed the pitch side beat at New Douglas Park yesterday, dolefully positioned between Martin Canning and Steven Gerrard. He was asked by Liam McLeod an hour or so before kick-off, "up for the challenge Scott"? Skippy flashed impeccable PQ credentials by replying, "depends on Martin Canning's mood, I'm sure I'll be okay". He nailed it right there, no interest in Gerrard, no interest in Rangers supporters' sensitivities, and no interest in providing a full service of information. All those Euro trips with PQ CSC has prepared Scott well for his rite of passage.


Away from the greasy pole, Saturday's coverage began with DrStu' and Cowan asking for listeners favourite comedy sketch, be it TV or radio? They favoured a Scotch and Wry skit starring Ricky Fulton, Gerard Kelly, and Gregor Fisher. It was introduced by the petty and ill-informed duo as, "Rangers signing their first catholic". Older Gersnetters will remember it as truly hilarious. Of course, the presentation ie 'the first' is false where as the early eighties sentiment is true. Rangers signed and played dozens of RCs in the club's first fifty years. By the second half of, 'Off the Ball', the presentation of this particular sketch had been quietly withdrawn, without explanation.


On Saturday, Big Dick is on holibags(why didn't DrStu' target him), thus another Dandy stepped in, Liam McLeod hosted the show. Shoe-horning other Dandies such as Jonathon Sutherland, Wullie Miller, Charlie Mann, Rob McLean, ...... is no problem; the diminutive Shetlander was pitch side at ra Stydome and Miller joined McLean on the gantry at the same ground. Pat Bonner and Michael Stewart squeezed in too. At the end of the match, Michael Stewart had to get back to PQ for the second half of, 'Off the Ball'. Liam advised going through Bridgeton, much hilarity ensued as everyone piled in with depicting Brigton as early eighties Beirut. Pat told Michael, "keep your head down". Driving through Brigton is probably another PQ rite of passage?


Sunday saw Liam McLeod hosting, McDonald pitch side, Wullie Miller, Billy Dodds(and his EBT), and Tom English added colour. Rob McLean commentated without enthusiasm, well he got a bit agitated in the 80th minute! PQ and Rob concluded the result was most misleading. Rangers supporters agree


Plus ca Change?


It's a Proust thing, last night's Sportscene changed; it's fifteen minutes longer and a couple of new items have been introduced. Twenty minutes are dedicated to ra Sellik game, fifteen to Aberdeen, and the rest of Scottish football divi-up the remaining minutes of broadcast. The director has got poor Thommo standing at the big screen, swiping and pushing the footage, providing supposedly greater insight. Michael Stewart stands the other side of the screen, hands in pockets, mimicking the mobility he used to show on the pitch. He is a bookend. 


It's serendipity for Thommo, he has time to fill. Last week, in the wake of providing an interview to the Times journo, Graham Spiers, he has lost his column at the Herald. He told Spiers he would rather watch golf and tennis, as opposed to football. He watches at least sixty hours of football for work purposes, and at home it never appears on his TV. There is an etiquette to one columnist interviewing another columnist, as a courtesy you are required to contact the interviewee's paper and inform them of the piece. They would want to view the content before publishing. Spiers did NOT do this, published with the clear implication that a fellow columnist had no interest in football. Remember, Spiers got Bitter Martin the sack from Radio Snyde? On election night with polls still open, he speculated on the voting intentions of Walter Smith. Bitter Martin joined in, ans as Presenter, lost his job.


Now, all these extra minutes providing penetrative thought, told us nothing. The headlines after the Parkhead game came from Neil Lennon's post-match interview, "we were playing against twelve men". We know grievance is Neil's comfort blanket and vicTIMhood is his favoured sanctuary. If Hibs had visited Ibrox, then BBC Scotland would have lapsed into their well practiced, 'trial by Sportscene' mode. Tom English dismissed Lennon's comments on Sunday afternoon radio, Sportscene totally ignored his utterances. You only had to wait forty minutes for trial by Sportscene, Martin Canning's  post-match interview was shown fully and Michael and Thommo picked at a few scraps, rather than the expected feasting. The Director has to prepare the guests better, there is an expectant audience out there.


I await a comedy sketch where BBC Scotland interview a Rangers supporter, for the position of, 'TOKEN'. Of course, DrStu' conducting the interview.  

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