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Pacific Quay Musings?

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10 hours ago, ranger_syntax said:

This will never happen.  Even if the B.B.C. were to agree it would not live up to the agreement. 


Much better to win and make them look foolish.


We should also do our best to attract the attention of England based B.B.C. sports journalists.

I'm surprised at how defeatist you are, would you prefer to give up than fight a difficult battle? 

'Fixing' what's wrong with BBC Scotland won't be done in a week, or a month, or even a year, it'll take time and patience. BBC Scotland already look foolish and petty, and if we can keep winning and playing the most attractive football in the league their foolishness will only be magnified, and external pressure from London or Manchester will help too. 

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9 hours ago, Bill said:

Dear Aunty,


My friends are calling for reprochement with the hordes at Pacific Quay but there goes yet another Rangers game where I failed utterly to miss the BBC's close attentions. It gets worse ... I’m left with little irritation and almost compulsion to whine and grind my teeth over what the BBC didn’t say. What's wrong with me?


Yours in anticipation,



Either take part in the thread properly or don't at all.


You've been asked politely already.

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17 hours ago, Bill said:

Like what? 

Well that's the question and it's not possible to get to get consensus on it. I don't think the removal of press privileges achieves anything, it is a bit on the petty side. Bias should be exposed by the club in a professional and organised manner, and pressure should be put on the BBC publicly when and if we are not receiving a fair share of coverage.


BBC have exclusive rights and they are the devil we have to work with just now, the status quo is disadvantaging ordinary bears (particularly elderly and less well off) all over the country as @JohnMc has explained well.

Edited by DMAA
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Last night i listened to commentry of Liverpool v Chelsea on radio 5 live Alan Green and Andy Townsend a first class commentry throughout kepping the listener fully informed and painting a picture  of the  action in what was a first class match  then near the end we got a call from Roddy Forsyth giving his bigoted relief that the hooped horrors had scored totalt amateur compared to the professionals of Green and Townsend 

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1 minute ago, compo said:

Last night i listened to commentry of Liverpool v Chelsea on radio 5 live Alan Green and Andy Townsend a first class commentry throughout kepping the listener fully informed and painting a picture  of the  action in what was a first class match  then near the end we got a call from Roddy Forsyth giving his bigoted relief that the hooped horrors had scored totalt amateur compared to the professionals of Green and Townsend 

Roddy Forsyth is no bigot and is one of the very few semi-decent journalists within Scottish fitbaw.

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9 hours ago, 26th of foot said:

Returning in the car tonight, I heard Big Dick enthuse, "so many big games at this time of the season, they keep on coming and full live coverage of them all can only be found here on BBC Radio Scotland".


Breath taking arrogance on his part. He is telling the audience that they provide every service to all. On an evening when Chic Young sat on the naughty step watching Rangers TV. A four hour show that saw two minutes dedicated to tonight's game against Ayr United. Big Dick lies with such confidence, without fear of being corrected.

Someone was (with good intentions) also rightly saying the QFs has been exciting especially the Easter road and tynecastle games and we should talk our game up. Big Dick was wholeheartedly agreeing with him! The hypocrisy stank. 


The SPFL and SFA could be doing a lot more. The trouble is we have a feck them all attitude at the moment and we need to build better relationships to make progress but given the way these organisations have treated us and are still treating us with res 12 etc that is not a route that I would trust any time soon. 


We could contact sponsors but they have done nothing wrong and it’s not their battle. 


We could have a mass mass protest outside the BBC before s match but that would have potential to backfire and any indiscretion inflates by the media. 


I think the the way I suggested is the right general approach. These people need to be embarrassed at a far more basic level and highlighting a denial of public broadcasting services to marginalised or more needy fans is the way to do it. 

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2 hours ago, DMAA said:

Well that's the question and it's not possible to get to get consensus on it. I don't think the removal of press privileges achieves anything, it is a bit on the petty side. Bias should be exposed by the club in a professional and organised manner, and pressure should be put on the BBC publicly when and if we are not receiving a fair share of coverage.


BBC have exclusive rights and they are the devil we have to work with just now, the status quo is disadvantaging ordinary bears (particularly elderly and less well off) all over the country as @JohnMc has explained well.

That's all very well and good but unfortunately it's also based on the premise that there is anyone out there with the slightest interest in listening to the Rangers side of the story ... or in exposing anything that's been going on. There's a very good reason why controlling the media has been the ambition of every bigot since time began. There's certainly no point appealing to the BBC at any level, here or in London - that's been tried on many occasions that I know of and with zero success. Someone suggested the Scottish Government might ride to our side but despite protestations from a few ScotNats on Gersnet, I've seen absolutely no evidence to support such a proposition. Since the rest of the media in Scotland more or less reflects the BBC's attitudes to Rangers, I can't see the light of day shining through that particular door either.


But I come back to the point I've made several times. We simply do not need the BBC, any more than I need to rush out and start buying newspapers again to find out what's going on in the world. As Rangers re-emerges as a trophy-winning club it will become glaringly obvious that the BBC has lost a great deal more through their bigotry and unprofessionalism than we ever have. and THAT is the only leverage that will ever make any difference or lead to any lasting and meaningful change in attitudes across the media in general.

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Just for the on going record.


Big Dick hosted, Paul Hartley and Billy Dodds(including his EBT) joined him in the studio at PQ. 


Tynecastle had Liam McLeod and Alan Preston covering Hearts/Motherwell.


Chris McLaughlin patrolled Perth for a well rehearsed pre-match interview with Brenda. Saints versus ra Yahoos was very much second on the bill. Here's how it goes, BBC in LOndon want their Scots counterparts to provide material on England's favourite sons, Steven Gerrard. As Big Dick continues to parrot, "because of the on going problem between the BBC and the club", this not happening. We know Sellik Quick News is Lawwell's site of choice this last decade, to air views by proxy. The site has carried Brenda's offer from China and speculation this was used as a lever to persuade the Board to take Sellik to the next level. Thus, Chris asks specifically about Brenda being the recipient of an approach from China? Brenda says, "it's not relevant". Two questions later, the doughty bald one shows necessary tenacity by pushing the issue, "was there an offer in the close season"? Brenda relents, "yes".


Immediately, Big Dick and Billy EBT chorus congratulations for McLaughlin's persistence, the Beeb in London have a genuine UK wide headline, it leads across BBC Five Live and is carried on three separate pieces on BBC Ceefax. Brenda remains quite important, Chris delivers something quite important, and PQ relieves the pressure for now. Of course, the reality is Brenda has fallen a long way off the Premiership carousel, no club in that sphere approached him in the close season, after a double treble and two qualifications for the CL. Chris the choreographer is a facilitator, no he really is, and he remains quite important.


The semi-final row at the end of the show was revealing. Alan Preston demanded transparency in deciding the venues, dates, and timings. He wanted Hearts to play at Murrayfield. Chris was too busy filing articles to London, but knew he could rely on Paul Hartley to guard Sellik interests. Big Dick is a Dandy. and joined Preston's cry for transparency. Where was the Rangers supporting voice? 


The occupant of last evening's PQ naughty step was Chic Young. Teams read out pre-match, a few lines on scorers at half-time, asked the audience, "answers on a postcard for guessing what Rangers player has been booked for dissent"? Full time saw another two goalscorers reported and Morelos missing the semi-final. As earlier stated, it amounted to two minutes of air time.


I support Alan Preston, as a license fee paying Rangers supporter, I would love some transparency.  

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