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Pacific Quay Musings?

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A big well done to Tam Cowan yesterday.


There was a two minute discussion on the ongoing plight of Dundee United, all the expected platitudes to the fore. Big club suffering hard times, beginning a third season in the second tier, supporters deserting, ...... etc. Cat Harvey eulogising those Arabs travelling all the way to Elgin for a dead rubber match for both teams. Tam offered, "diehards, real diehards, still the Rangers support is enjoying it all enormously".


How true.

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11 hours ago, compo said:

Don't know why Rangers fans listen to this tripe station it's forbidden in Compo towers .

Radio Scotland is strictly verboten chez moi too

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I think we should be grateful that 26th of Foot lends us his ears, so regularly. 


Of course, one has to ask just what kind of previous deplorable sin-filled lives he led, to have such a burden upon him in this one. 

Edited by Uilleam
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I will never listen or watch any output and content from BBC CSC, hopefully others take heed and the listening and viewing figures continue to plummet.


This thread however keeps me interested in their death throes, look forward to their last Uuuuuuuuuuuughhhh, keep up the good work 26th.

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On 31/07/2018 at 21:04, RANGERRAB said:

Say what you like about the pond life at BBC PQ but the joke’s on the likes of us who have to pay for this biased juvenile crap thro the outdated licence fee. 


in the real commercial world where BBC PQ would have to earn its income nonsense like the stuff 26th foot refers to would have been binned long ago. I can honestly say I’ve never listened to any of the sports programmes on BBC Radio Shortbread 


and the pond life on these broadcasts would have crawled back under their stones long ago too

You say that Rab and I tend to agree with you, but Radio Clyde has been just as bad as Radio Scotland for years and years and as a commercial organisation are still going and show no signs of ever becoming impartial. I dont think its about the licence fee, its about the scum that work there, and their bosses who approve of them.

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