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Amercians Taking over

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What is it with these Yanks trying to take over "our" game and buy out all our football teams!!


Its becoming an increasing habbit, it starts off with 1 then another, and 1 by 1 there will be at least 10 EPL clubs being ran by Americans.


Arsenal are the latest team to be approached and an American firm got 10% stake last night with long time serving David Dein moving on with immidate effect. Arsenal have been ran superbly in the last 20 years but now the Yanks are moving in on them.


Is it because they want control?

Is it because the US game will never be big due to the popularity of the South American and European game??


Soon they are going to be running Premiership!!! It wouldnt surprise me in 10 years time Americans running the Premiership, owing teams and some sort of link between there league and the Premiership.


I say buggar off and keep to playing Baseball, Ice Hockey, Basketball and Gridiron.

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I dont see a problem with it really when you compare it to Abrahamovic.


Are you saying you dont want them to buy British clubs just because they're Americans with money?


Football (soccer....) will never be as big as the other sports in the US, but i think its catching up a wee bit now.

We'll be hearing alot more from Football over there next season an all since Beckham will be playing there.

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I sense a few problems at Arsenal now that Wengers best buddy has left. Dein was the man who wanted Wenger in the 1st place but the rest of the board wanted Rioch instead. Dein went behind their backs and got Wenger in because they had one of those shitty gentlemans agreements. Turned out to be the right move in the end. Fook knows where Arsenal would be if Rioch got the job FT.

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I dont see a problem with it really when you compare it to Abrahamovic.


Are you saying you dont want them to buy British clubs just because they're Americans with money?


Football (soccer....) will never be as big as the other sports in the US, but i think its catching up a wee bit now.

We'll be hearing alot more from Football over there next season an all since Beckham will be playing there.


I think the Americans are different to the other investors. I think they are doing it for other interests and to gain a control in the biggest sport in the world.

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the first step football took away from being an average working man's sport was television. now that the biggest clubs have become billionaire's playthings the game, i would argue, is firmly in disrepute as a whole.

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I think the main negative aspect of this is for other countries/leagues.


England and Spain are the main man these days. I think the days where we can pick up any kind of Laudrup's or Gazza's are well gone as we cant contend with any of the top leagues in the world, nevermind wage-wise.

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I got this wrong!


Its David Dein who wanted the Yanks investment and Peter Hill Wood who says fuck off you wanky yanks!!!


I get a good program on a friday night which is repeated on saturday with Richard Keyes giving us loads of footy info from behind the scenes that he wouldnt repeat in UK, and he says Wenger is close to leaving. He also say Mourinho is a banker to leave Chelsea in the summer - but even i knew that!! HOWEVER ----- HIS REPLACEMENT ---- Roman wants Sir Alex and is prepared to offer him 10 million cash in hand as signing on fee!!!!!!!!!!!

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