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Club1872 update

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After defending Craig shite no thank you , i know its his job but still.

Would it have made Donald Finlay a more able advocate if he had failed to exercise his best efforts on behalf of the client that was allocated to him? Finlay would make an excellent choice to speak on behalf of Club1872 members, surely that's the important thing.

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The simple fact is that the way club1872 was devised was always going to cause major issues , the club1872 board have no autonomy to negotiate or really discuss anything without asking the members first .


However if we dont as a group value ourselves how can we expect the club board to take us seriously .


I understand your point, but what is it we're asking the board for? I don't know the answer to that. If it's a seat on the board, I'd want to know who it is and how that could possibly serve its members. There are pretty fundamental points we'd need to unite on if we were to take seat on the board and I'm not sure we could. Decisions about managers, players, business strategy all cause division in our support so I'd really like to know how one person could ever represent our views, or even what value that would add. I'm sure the board knows that and possibly believes we are a hindrance rather than a help. Just my thoughts though.

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