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Josh Taylor brands Rangers supporters ‘huns’

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TURN THE AIR BLUE Hibs-daft boxing champ Josh Taylor brands Rangers supporters ‘huns’ on Twitter before deleting post after social media criticism.


A former Gers fan chief has expressed disappointment at the remark, which the Commonwealth light-welterweight king defended as 'banter'.


BOXING champion Josh Taylor branded Rangers fans “huns” – before deleting the post after criticism from Light Blues supporters.


The undefeated Commonwealth light-welterweight king, a*Hibs supporter, took to Twitter after his team’s midweek loss to Gers.


And it wasn’t long before the Edinburgh fighter boasted of getting the Rangers faithful – who he referred to as “silly buggars” – to respond to his wind-up attempts.


When asked if he’d got “a few big ones”, he replied: “Always do with they huns haha.”


That didn’t go down well with a section of his followers,*with the word used as a slur against Rangers fans.Taylor hit back – and tried to defend the comment as”a bit of banter”.He added: “All a bit sensitive these days.”


One fan wrote: “Didn’t think he was like that!


Another said: “No mate it’s not banter when the word is offensive to many.“Sorry bud but lost a bit off respect for you.”


But the Commonwealth Games gold medallist later deleted the controversial tweet.


Drew Robertson – who recently stepped down as Rangers Supporters Association general secretary – said: “No matter who says it, this kind of language is disappointing. We shouldn’t still have people using it in this day and age.


“He’s said it now – he can’t take it back.“I’ve no interest in boxing but if I did, I certainly wouldn’t be going to any of his fights, that’s for sure.”


We told in April how the former Olympian took a pop at Ally McCoist and poked fun at struggling Gers after they were humiliated 5-1 by Celtic at Ibrox.

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I don't particularly like the name and am perplexed when I hear a Rangers fan refer to himself or us as 'huns' but I don't really care about opposition fans using it.


I have far more offensive words for some of them.

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